Stormer Editorial Board Reiterates Support for One-State Solution in Palestine, Controlled by Hamas

Over ten years ago, the Daily Stormer endorsed a one-state solution in Palestine/”Israel”, fully controlled by Hamas.

It is time again that the Stormer Editorial Board reiterate this position: the Daily Stormer officially backs a one-state solution to the Palestinian problem, wherein Hamas is installed as the governmental entity of the entire Palestinian territory.

It will of course be the decision of the Hamas authorities what they do with the Jewish occupation population, but it is the opinion of the Stormer Editorial Board that the Jews be pushed into the sea.

The Stormer also modestly requests that our team be allowed to build a statue of Adolf Hitler in Tel Aviv.

Our proposed statue involves primarily a statue of Hitler shaking his fist, based on this photograph:

The Daily Stormer Editorial Board does not recognize any form of governmental authority in Palestine other than Hamas. That means that we also do not recognize the false authority of the shill Mahmoud Abbas and his fake government, which the Editorial Board recognizes as a Jew shill group designed to pacify the Palestinian people.

According to this Editorial Board, the sole authority of all Palestine and the official ruler of Jerusalem is Hamas.

The Board would like to fully repeat its position that the Jews should be pushed into the sea, but that the Board will fully respect any decision that Hamas authorities choose to take in dealing with the filthy Jew occupiers.

The Stormer Editorial Board once again wishes swift victory to Hamas in their battle against the Satanic Jew occupation force.