Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas, Brothers and Sisters!
Today is the second most sacred of European holidays, and the one I take off each year. But I have to write something for Christmas, even though I’m off.

The importance of Christmas is family, and that really is the importance of life itself, and what we fight for. For your race is simply your extended family, and the desire to protect the family is the origin of the desire to protect the race. It is with the destruction of the family, by that most abominable of beasts, that the European man lost his desire to protect his blood.
For the family is blood, the soul is blood, and all which you do is blood.

When we say “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children,” we are not talking about something abstract or distant, but something personal and immediate.
All of your own internal being is a manifestation of the collective being of your ancestors, a fact proven through the science of DNA. You are given a torch to bear through the blood and it is for the blood that we fight. We fight to keep burning the torch of our divine being.

The birth of Christ and the solstice are each representative of this fight to be born and to be born again, to continue the work of the ancestors by living and passing on life.

This is the eternal drama, the eternal war, into which we were born, and within which each man has the duty to fight.
If he passes up that duty, he has abandoned not only his family he was born to, but thousands upon thousands of generations which came before, and which gave their own lives so that he might live.
So then, we shall fight, and on this Holy Day, we shall remember why.

I thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of this.
I shall raise a glass to thee this evening, as I raise a glass to absent family members, for you too are my family.
Merry Christmas and Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin, December 25, 2014
Christmas bonus!
A tribute to Jenny Nyström, my favorite Christmas lady. Something about these images seems to capture that supernatural sort of mood you are party to at Christmas as a child by default and then as an adult must look for.
You’ll have to forgive me for indulging in a bit of sappiness. But what sort of life are we fighting for, if a man can’t indulge in a bit of sappiness on Christmas day?
We’ll be back tomorrow with some hardcore Jew-bashing and racism!
God bless!