The Daily Traditionalist: Blood Banquets and Brexit

Radio Aryan
November 4, 2016


Matt Parrot joins Sven Longshanks for the final Daily Traditionalist of the week, to talk about Brexit treason in Britain and the last few days before the revolution begins in America. A Mulatto female has had the audacity to try and stop the British people from leaving the EU by claiming that it is undemocratic to have the government carry out what the people have instructed them to. It is no surprise to find that the people backing her are mainly Jews and this can be confirmed from the way their names have all been redacted from the court lists, apparently to prevent anti-Semitism. The judges involved were also compromised, with one of them initiating a group with the stated aim of further integration with Europe. Sven explains the possible outcomes of this new treason against the ethnic nations of Britain before Matt brings us news of the most bizarre Podesta email yet.

Tony Podesta the brother of John Podesta is seen to be looking forward to an evening drinking blood, semen and breast milk in the home of filthy Jewess ‘performance artist’ Marina Abramovic. This brings to mind the many references to Jews drinking gentile blood in the middle ages and Matt draws attention to Ariel Toaff’s book which collected all the evidence for this and pronounced it true. These Jewish criminals were tried in the highest courts of the land and the accused were the property of the King himself, if there had been the slightest chance of them being innocent the cases would never have even come to trial.

This new email exposes the Clinton coven for being truly satanic, whereas the others just exposed them as being corrupt. Matt advises Americans to print up copies of this new revelation and hand them out to Blacks over the weekend to help the Trump presidential drive. We have just four days to go now until the revolution and although the polls are now in our favour, we should still be doing all we can to ensure the glorious leader takes power.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Matt Parrott

The Daily Traditionalist: Blood Banquets and Brexit – DT 110416

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