The Daily Traditionalist: Lone Wolves and Thanksgiving

Radio Aryan
November 24, 2016


Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach for Thursday’s edition of The Daily Traditionalist. Matt starts by wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and reminding us that we have lots to be thankful for even if our countries are being invaded, at least we have roofs over our heads, clothes on our bodies and food in our bellies. After that, the two hosts discuss the bizarre case of Thomas Mair, who was given a life sentence yesterday for the murder of Jo Cox Labour MP. Instead of using the court room as a soap box to explain his political views, the accused did not even make a plea. You would think if this was a political killing as the Judge suggested, Mair would have used the killing to make a political point, but instead, he let the state use the killing to make a political point.

It is clear from Mair’s dvd collection that he was not a nazi but was just interested in war and he also appears to be a holocaust believer. He was not a part of any organisation and has never said why he killed Jo Cox. The state claims he did it because she supported remaining in the EU, but there is no evidence for that anywhere. Her first speech to parliament was far more inflammatory than her support for the EU,  but again, there has been no mention of this.

Matt contrasts Thomas Mair with Dylann Roof in America and both hosts ask whether it was a moment of madness brought on by side effects from prescription drugs that caused these men to lose their cool and take revenge? The confederate battle flag was banned after Roof was associated with it and now we have the British establishment calling for a clampdown on Nationalism, even though Mair had no links to any Nationalist groups.

It has been suggested that Mair killed Cox because he was being turfed out of his family home to make way for a Paki family and he felt she would not help him, but he never even asked her to help. This has to be one of the strangest ‘political’ murders of recent years and both hosts try to make sense of it, before stressing the bad publicity this sort of thing generates for us.

Presented by Matthew Heimbach and Sven Longshanks

The Daily Traditionalist: Lone Wolves and Thanksgiving – DT 112416

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