The Daily Traditionalist: The Race to be UK Prime Minister

Radio Aryan
July 7, 2016


Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach just as the results are released naming the final two candidates for leadership of the Conservative Party. The next Prime Minister of Britain will either be Theresa May or Andrea Leadsom and the members of the Conservative Party now have until September 9th to vote for their choice.

Leadsom does not seem to be leadership material, but has spoken against gay marriage, claims to be a traditionalist Christian and did vote to leave the EU. Her biggest selling point is that she is not the hideous feminist vulture that is Theresa May and there is a good chance that she will win because of this.

The Party membership overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU, while the actual Tory Party MPs voted to stay, showing a huge disconnect between the two. The globalists are counting on Theresa May winning this vote, but the electorate no longer trust the establishment to make decisions in their interests, especially now after the Chilcott Report.

There are also rumours that if she was to win the vote, that she would give Nigel Farage a position in her cabinet. Could this be the real reason why Nigel resigned from UKIP?

Matt brings some good news from America to us for the second half of the podcast concerning Rick Tyler, an independent candidate for Tennessee’s Third Congressional District, who has become the first endorsed Congressional candidate of the Traditionalist Worker Party.

Heimbach and the TWP team will be working to help manage Mr. Tyler’s campaign and provide activist support on the ground to challenge the establishment incumbent Chuck Fleischmann.

Mr. Fleischmann is a New York City carpetbagger and an attorney who has been endorsed and supported by the entire Republican establishment in his bid to dupe, use and abuse the people of the 3rd District.

Mr. Tyler and the Traditionalist Worker Party are aiming to be able to cause this three term incumbent politician to lose his seat, sending a shot across the bow of all sell-outs and traitorous politicians, warning them that the people are awakening and are tired of the political lies of the establishment.

The TWP will be moving the date of it’s rally in New York City in order to have full participation in the first public campaign rally for Mr. Tyler on July 30th in Tennessee.

This will be the start of a pro-White and nationalist campaign to throw out one of the money changers’ chosen ones and replace him with a candidate who will stand for Faith, Family and Folk.

The TWP is happy to endorse Mr. Tyler and to work with him, definitely making this race one to watch.

Presented by Matthew Heimbach and Sven Longshanks

The Daily Traditionalist: The Race to be UK Prime Minister – DT 070716

Download (32:13)

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