The Daily Traditionalist: Truth Hurts

Radio Aryan
January 12, 2017

Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach for Thursday’s edition of The Daily Traditionalist to talk about why the Left hate us so much. It cannot be because we are wrong, as if we were wrong it would be a simple matter to prove it. If homosexuals were not pedophiles, then 40% of homosexual prisoners would not be child molesters. If Blacks did not commit the majority of violent crime, the statistics would not say that 80 % of all violent crime is committed by them. If feminists did not destroy families, then 50% of all children would not be deprived of a father. If Moslems were not terrorists, they would not be blowing themselves up all around the world, day in, day out.

They hate us because they know we are correct and the truth hurts. The average Liberal will say that we should be debated and shown why our views are wrong and they ask for this to happen, but the extreme Left know that if that happens, the facts will become known and the Liberal will then either have to keep living a lie or become a Nationalist. They never seem to stop to wonder why it is we put up with being called racists, nazis, haters etc and why we would rather go to prison than recant our views. They certainly wouldn’t, their whole ideology is based around doing whatever is best for the individual, regardless of whether it is virtuous or wicked, good for the nation or not.

All Nationalists seek to uphold the natural law and preserve genuine diversity regardless of personal ideology. The Left seeks to break down all those boundaries and merge everything into one, destroying all the handiwork of God and of nature. The Left wants to smash everything and everyone who they disagree with and the sooner the Liberals realise the truth about this wicked, violent and hateful political ideology the better.

Presented by Matthew Heimbach and Sven Longshanks

The Daily Traditionalist: Truth Hurts – DT 011217

Download (31:20)

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