The Daily Traditionalist: ‘Vulnerable’ Child Soldiers Invade Britain

Radio Aryan
October 19, 2016


Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach for the Wednsday edition of The Daily Traditionalist to talk about the ‘refugee children’ currently being ferried into Britain. Thanks to a Jew called Lord Dubs Britain has changed the Dublin Agreement so that if an invader is under the age of 18 they no longer have to claim asylum in the first country they arrive at, but will be taken into Britain if they can say they have an obscure relation there. It is no surprise to discover then that the first boatload of ‘vulnerable children’ are all male and all look over the age of 25. The Aid agencies and charities have come up with the ridiculous excuse that their invasion of Europe has suddenly made them grow thick beards on their chins, but thankfully nobody seems to be buying this.

Matt and Sven discuss the similarity of the situation in America and Britain of Jews calling for all invaders to be allowed in if they are under the age of 18 and Sven points out that a large portion of the Jewish children let in during the war grew up to become Communist spies and traitors to the countries which let them in. These ‘Syrian’ refugee minors will also bite the hand that feeds them and we have seen this happen in Germany already this year, with many people stabbed just by one disgruntled brown teenager.

Once in a White country the hairy teenagers are then placed in a school with White students, where stabbings or rapes are then far more likely to occur than ever before. Up until June of this year, 70% of these oversized ‘children’ turned out to really be over 18. Their age can easily be proved just by having a dentist examine them, but apparently this would be too intrusive to use on the new arrivals. As somebody in the chatroom points out, it’s fine to strip search a White man on his way into the country but they wont even dare look inside a refugee’s mouth to ensure he isn’t lying.

Matt draws attention to how we are not being expected to treat them as equals, but as a new privileged class that we cannot criticise under threat of imprisonment. This is not just happening in Britain but in America now too and Matt gives a recent example of where a White woman was jailed for using ‘racial slurs’. Even the word ‘Zionist’ is now being identified as a hate word, but only if it’s a White person using it.

The absurdity of calling 13-year-olds ‘wives’ and 25-year-olds ‘children’ is also brought up along with plenty of other talking points that can be used to argue our point with anti-Whites in today’s episode.

Presented by Matthew Heimbach and Sven Longshanks

The Daily Traditionalist: ‘Vulnerable’ Child Soldiers Invade Britain – DT 101916

Download (30:52)

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