The Daily Traditionalist with Matthew Heimbach: In Communion with Demons

Radio Aryan
April 5, 2016

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Matthew Heimbach starts today’s episode off with a quote from St John Chrysostum, to show how traditional Christianity differs from the modern abominations that call themselves by that name.

This homily of his was not just to his own flock, but was sent out around the habitable earth to warn all people against the Jews and their synagogue full of demons.

Christianity does not have women or homosexual pastors and it does not see the Jews as chosen people, it sees them as the antichrist.

The Judaisers back then were trying to redefine the synagogue as being an equal to the church, the same as they are doing now. St John shows that Christians had nothing to do with the Jews, they were in rebellion against God and they were on the side of demons. All churches that claim the Jews are chosen people are in communion with these same demons and are directly opposed to God and the Holy Fathers.

Heresies such as Judaism being equal to Christianity have been around for centuries and it is our duty to wake those who think they are Christian but are not, to these truths.

Matt then talks about a war memorial in Madisonville Kentucky that has been attacked by Leftists, who have literally torn the hands from the statue in order to deface it. The SPLC have recently released a list of every confederate monument in the country in order to aid these vandals in desecrating them. They have even been trying to dig up General Bedford Forest and his wife, in order to disrespect our past.

The Traditionalist Worker Party are trying to raise funds to repair this memorial and will be releasing an album of folk music with the proceeds dedicated entirely to achieving this.

Presented by Matthew Heimbach

The Daily Traditionalist with Matthew Heimbach: DT 040516 – Tuesday

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Matthew Heimbach will be back on Radio Aryan again tomorrow at 12pm EDT/5pm BST.

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