The Damned Generation: Youth Bound for Hell

February 19, 2014

The Jew World Order is now plain for all to see.

And it came to pass that the world finally fell under the spell of the Jew. The Fallen Legions of Lucifer, who coming out from hell from where they had been condemned, coming little by little into any evil wombs that arose, took birth alongside the human race. Took birth with a view to vengeance against God for making humans greater than angels; the cause of their leader’s war in heaven in the first place.

And the Jew seeks a victory on earth that he could not achieve in heaven. His law is simple; everything God loves he hates and everything God hates he loves. His ambition is to bring the Goyim, those blessed with souls who have access to return home to God, down into the cavernous hells he owns, which is his home, in which he can torture those Goyim forever.

For hell is a heaven to the Jew which is why no Jew fears God nor hell. Hell for the Jew is one long party of sodomy, blasphemy, bestiality, paedophilia, sadism, of revenge and torture of the Goyim, an eternal celebration of Satanism; the true religion of the Jew.

And the Jew murdered the Grace of God in the world and dried up His presence even as fire extinguishes a mist, he filled the masses with atheism and hatred against God through his control of the media. And now there is no God in the world.

The Jew seized control of all religion and what religion he could not seize control of; Islam, he warped and poisoned it by creating terrorism and ending any peace in which a soul might find light.

Today the Jew rejoices in the knowledge that every child who is born is dammed to hell. Every youth is under the entertainment spell of the Jew, obsessed only with the mind-controlling psycho-drug of being at one with the techno-electrical matrix. He has taught every child to laugh at Jesus, spit on God, or to worship the false Judao-Christian god of the Jews, one of whose ambassadors now sits in the Vatican.

Satanic Jewish events dominate the entertainment of the damned world.


Jews have been expelled 109 times from 84 nations, all of whom initially welcomed them since 240 AD.

The truth is not taught in our history because the Jews control the teaching of history, they control who writes it and they own the publishers and bookshops who produce it. They also control education as well as economy, banking , government, media and entertainment. The truth is that when the Romans conquered Jerusalem they defeated the Jews of Moses; the Sadducees, and the Pharisees of the Babylonian Talmud then took over. Who are these modern Jews? In the biblical context according to Jesus in the New Testament most modern Jews are the sons of Lucifer and his fallen angels who have taken birth on earth. They are re-making the world in the image of their father Satan. Why have Hollywood Jews no fear of hell? Because they run hell, they push you into the fire. Their jealousy of humans is the main motivator of their hate for God and the human race. Lucifer’s war with God was because he raised humans above angels like himself by giving humans the opportunity to merge in God and become God as in the case of Jesus.


John 8:44:”Ye (the Jews) are of your father the devil (the Jews are the children of Lucifer and his legions who have taken birth in the world alongside the children of God), and the lusts of your father ye will do (i.e Hollywood and the Jewish pornography industry). He was a murderer from the beginning (i.e. Up to 100 million white Christian Slavs and Russians killed by Jewish Bolshevism and communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and millions of Germans even after the second world war and Jews as a matter of business start wars for financial gain often backing and selling arms to both sides) and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie (The Holohoax), he speaketh of his own (the Jews): for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – Jesus Christ.