Daily Stormer
January 30, 2014

In response to President Obama’s state of the union address, “Tea Party” Senator Mike Kyle has claimed that “inequality” is caused by “big government”, implying that small government conservatives are the true egalitarians:
Today, Americans know in their hearts that something is wrong. Much of what is wrong relates to the sense that the ‘American Dream’ is falling out of reach for far too many of us. We are facing an inequality crisis — one to which the President has paid lip-service, but seems uninterested in truly confronting or correcting… But where does this new inequality come from? From government — every time it takes rights and opportunities away from the American people and gives them instead to politicians, bureaucrats, and special interests.
This weak, pathetic response to what is happening to our country clearly shows how incapable kosher conservatism is of actually fixing our problems.
While economic questions are important, race is far and away the most pressing issue in contemporary politics. The White race is facing genocide at the hands of the Jews, and the principal weapon used by our enemies is the idol of “equality”. When kosher conservatives justify their position by claiming that they will bring about equality, they worship the idol built by Jews and liberals. As long as they engage in this worship, they will never be able to gain victory.

A genuinely right-wing worldview proudly proclaims that excellence is far more valuable than equality, and that egalitarianism is evil because it lessens human excellence through its mad drive to destroy all distinctions and hierarchy.
Liberals damage human excellence through forced integration and affirmative action, while kosher conservatives damage human excellence through their push for unrestricted immigration in the name of “free markets”. Although they are portrayed as bitter enemies, both sides promote agendas that will lead to the destruction of the White race, and both sides justify their agendas in the name of “equality”.
In order to conquer our enemies, we first must smash the idol of equality in the minds of our folk. We demand the cultivation and celebration of superiority. We demand the preservation of the White race.