Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 14, 2013

Thus far, not a single person has complained, or even commented on, the present state of the site.
I am assuming this means it doesn’t look that bad.
The deal is, I was using an older version of a theme which I had modified. As it finally concluded by a bunch of amateurs, including myself, that the theme was the most likely location of the vulnerability that the Jew hackers were exploiting, I updated the theme, and this involved losing all of the changes which made the site look like it did.
I have not bothered to add the menus, or fixed the banner size problem, as I did not assume it would take this long to get it all fixed. I am worried about having someone I have never worked with do the work to get it back looking like it was before, so I am waiting for him. Hopefully, he will show up in the next few days and take care of it.
However, things could be worse. We have a functioning website, that doesn’t look too terrible bad, and we can continue what we do here uninterrupted.
I do apologize for the aesthetic issues, and hope that it is not too disruptive. I cannot promise a date when things will be back to normal, but only promise that it will all be fixed as soon as possible.
Infinite thanks to all of those that have donated. You are heroes.
If you haven’t donated, and are able, please consider it. Five dollars goes a long way, and that is all I really expect of anyone. Again, if you do not have the money, please don’t worry about it or feel pressured in any way, but if you appreciate what we’re doing here, and have a few dollars to spare, help us out.
Click here to donate. There is also a button at the top right (presently under the hacking notice).
Submitting Articles
If anyone would like to write and submit an article, please do so.
Though readers are welcome to submit anything they think will fit on the site, I have been wanting to showcase various nationalist parties in Europe, so if anyone is involved in a nationalist party in Europe, and would like to write about it, please do so. I edit all submissions myself, so please do not worry too much about grammar and such, I can take care of the little things.
I am also looking for more regular writers, so if you have a blog, and would like to cross-post your articles here, let me know and I’ll check out your stuff.
Spreading the Word
Continue to spread the word about the site. More people are finding it every day, and our numbers continue to rise.
Posting in comments sections, on Facebook, on Reddit, on forums, and so on is very helpful.
The other day I got three-hundred visitors Craig’s List, where someone had posted a link to one of our articles. So that is a good ideas as well.
Comments, Suggestions, Complaints
I am always open to feedback from readers.
You can contact me through email at, or look me up on Skype (search Andrew Anglin).
Things are going very well, all considered. I believe we are really making an impact on the collective consciousness of the White masses.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin