The Death Cult: Skipping Towards the Graveyard

Silas Reynolds
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2016

LaRae Lobdell of

I was cautiously dropping red pills on some SWPL colleagues of mine while at lunch recently. The normies brought up the high level of promiscuity of their homosexual friends and heroin use. One of the normies mentioned that her homosexual friend transitioned from casually smoking dope to becoming a full-fledged heroin junkie and was sharing needles. That was my opening – I tactfully mentioned the homosexual community’s “epidemic” of depression, suicide, drug addiction and dominance of STDs. In other words, sodomites are pozz central or, “dead men walking.” As SWPLs are wont to do, especially those casually cruising through life blissfully unaware of the world and when their minds have been blitzkrieged by truth, they stumbled over their words and said those afflictions are “just as bad” for straight people. One of the SWPLs then recommended I check-out columnist and sodomite activist Dan Savage because “muh education.”

And, what an education. This article will not be for the faint of heart. Mass degeneracy ahead – consider this a trigger warning for normal healthy people.

Dan Savage is the walking talking epitome of Old Testament sinfulness, specifically, the personification of the fallen city of Sodom. Savage writes a sex-advice column called “Savage Love” and the column appears weekly in several “free” (think shitty) newspapers in the US and Canada. Of course, the column started in a Seattle newspaper called The Stranger. Savage stated in a 2006 interview that he began the column with the direct purpose of providing mocking advice to heterosexuals (or normal healthy people).

His column is in a question/answer format and, both he and his readers are the sort of degenerates that any virtuous government would “disappear.” Below is an example of the type of soul destroying garbage that make up Savage’s column – this is from his article titled “Peg, Pegging, Pegged”:

“[From Contributor or alias Timid Top In Tacoma] I am a 25-year-old bi female with a bi male partner. My boyfriend likes stuff up his butt—really likes it… Basically, he wants to be fucked like he’s my prison bitch. Is this kind of “rough” anal sex safe?”

“[From Savage quoting Violet Blue, an ass pounding blogging specialist] She should use LOTS of lube—she may want to invest in a lube syringe, which is what those ass athletes in porn use. But she’s the guardian of his anal safety at all times and should pay close attention and proceed carefully.”

Pretty disgusting, right? You betcha – but you could just chalk it up to the standard perverted behavior that runs rampant in our soft decadent times. However, Savage isn’t just a repugnant pervert living on borrowed time (discussed further below), but he’s the worst brand of sodomite – he’s the aggressive militant type that propagates a death cult – i.e., the muh “alternative” lifestyle. To be clear, this alternative lifestyle leads to only one conclusion: a savage death.

But what angers the normal and the healthy is the push, both by the Dan Savages of the world (really just foppish cheerleaders) and our own corrupt government and media, to normalize and accept this death cult – and the push is almost explicitly on the children of our nation. It’s not surprising that there has been a long and sordid connection between adult homosexuals and pederasty and pedophilia.

The late advice columnist, and Dan Savage inspiration, Ann Landers (born (((Esther Pauline Friedman)))) said that it wasn’t true that homosexuals are inclined to molest children. Really, Ann? Here’s a nice wholesome gay couple residing in Australia, could even be shoe-ins for the propaganda television show Modern Family, with their adopted Russian boy in 2013:


In case you were wondering, they savagely raped the child between the ages of 2 and 6. They also traveled around the world with him, making child porn and allowing other men to have sex with him. A rope isn’t good enough for these animals.

In 2006, the Journal of Adolescent Health published a position paper that stated, “Among adolescents and young adults with HIV or AIDS, most infections are acquired by having sex with HIV-infected men.” Ever wonder why homosexuals adamantly push for lower age of consent laws? As far back as 1972, the National Coalition of Gay Organizations has demanded to repeal all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

The sodomites target children – the Dutch homosexual group, Association for the Integration of Homosexuality, had succeeded in lowering the age of legal sex to twelve in Holland. Assisting them was another homosexual group, the COC (Center for Culture and Leisure), which stated in 1980: “The liberation of pedophilia must be viewed as a gay issue . . . [and that] ages of consent should therefore be abolished.”

Paul Cameron, Family Research Institute founder and psychologist, after reviewing more than nineteen scholarly reports and peer reviewed studies in a 1985 Psychological Reports article discovered that homosexuals account for between 25% and 40% of all child molestations. In a 1984 Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy article, researchers put the number at 36% and in a 1988 Archives of Sexual Behavior article, it calculates the number to 86% when the children being molested are male. Shocking, considering that homosexuals account for about 2% of the population, which statistically means that a pedophile is ten to twenty times more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual. Don’t worry though, the traditional (((media))) do their best to ensure that this information is hidden away from normies, as it would hurt the narrative and, the professional sodomite recruiters need to replenish their ranks of the walking dead.

Rafael Gondim, left, kisses his five year-old son Gabriel King, as his husband Courtney King holds the child while the trio marches down Fifth Avenue during the Heritage Pride March in New York, Sunday, June 28, 2015. A large turnout was expected for gay pride parades across the U.S. following the landmark Supreme Court ruling that said gay couples can marry anywhere in the country. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

Which brings us to the oven worthy television show The Real O’Neals, which is Savage’s brainchild (he acts as executive producer). The show is designed as a “comedy” about a traditional Irish Catholic family where the oldest son reveals he’s anorexic, the younger son embraces the vampiric death cult of homosexuality, the daughter starts questioning her faith and the parents announce a potential divorce. Essentially, it’s the symbolic end of Western civilization – and, this is supposed to be a comedy? This is more like a tragic cautionary tale.

But who ever could have created something so heartbreaking and, then gleefully, treat it as an innocent coming of age show? If you guessed a Jew, you’d be correct. The lead creators of the show are (((Joshua Sternin))) and Jennifer Ventimilia. You may be asking, “Jennifer doesn’t sound echoey, right?” Correct. But – Jennifer was born Jeffrey. So, a slimy Jew, a likely disease-ridden faggot and a mentally unstable man (who may or may not have sliced his dick and Adam’s apple off yet), created a show where they cheerfully showcase the fall of the West.

When I hear mouth-breathing normies, with their dead and lifeless eyes, robotically repeat, “Not like there’s anything wrong with that,” I want to shake them violently and yell, “Wake up you fool! There is something wrong with it!” Homosexuality isn’t normal and it damn sure shouldn’t be accepted and, when you review the actual data on the homosexual death cult, you know that a helicopter ride would be too kind for the sodomite peddlers. And, this death cult has all the trappings of an actual cult – suicide, mental illness, sexual debauchery, diseases, drug and alcohol abuse and finally, due to it being an abomination, an early grave.

A Danish suicide study found that men who were currently or formerly in a sodomite death-pact, or partnership, were eight times more likely to kill themselves than straight married men. At the website, which provides information on mental health, they published an article on homosexual suicide rates and found that homosexual youth attempt suicide more than 3 times more frequently than normal healthy kids and, among youth who attempted suicide, almost twice as many death cult pledges said they had hoped to die. Sounds normal and should be accepted, right? Then again, a death cult recruiter would casually say that it was the rejection of their abnormal sexuality that caused the desire to kill themselves. But, I would wager that’s not the reason, but rather the deep down shame that they are unnatural, weak-willed, the unfortunate victim of sexual abuse or they’re simply crazy. Which brings us to our next item – mental disorders.

As a whole, mental disorders institute the single greatest risk factor for suicidal behavior, and reports have also shown a strong correlation between mental illness and suicide attempts in homosexual juveniles and adults. In a New Zealand study from 1999, they found that prominent rates of reported suicide attempts in youth, who identified as homosexual, were associated with significantly higher rates of depression, generalized anxiety disorder and conduct disorder than heterosexual youth. And, it is not just sodomites that think about offing themselves that are mentally ill, research proves that generally speaking, homosexuals (particularly men), even in a “muh tolerant” country (the Netherlands) have a higher rate of psychiatric diseases – such as major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder. Dykes were more often diagnosed with major depression, social phobia or alcohol dependence. The researchers found “that homosexuality is not only associated with mental health problems during adolescence and early adulthood…but also in later life.” Yeah, no shit.

And, speaking of shit – let’s just get this out of the way. Sorry degenerates, but the human body was not designed for sticking things up your butt, no matter if Vice encourages you to do so. The rectum is significantly different from the vagina with regard to suitability for penetration by a penis (or an inanimate object). The vagina has natural lubricants and is composed of a mucus membrane that allows it to endure friction without damage and, more importantly, to resist the immunological actions caused by semen and sperm. On the other hand, the anus is a delicate mechanism of small muscles that is designed as an “exit-only” passage. With repeated trauma, friction and stretching, the sphincter loses its tone and its ability to maintain a tight seal (that’s important). Subsequently, anal sex leads to leakage of fecal material that can become chronic – i.e., shit spilling out of your ass randomly. Something the faggots either haven’t figured out or are too insane to care about – the intestine has only a single layer of cells separating it from blood. Therefore, any organisms (think blood, fecal matter and other bodily fluids) that are shoved into the rectum have a much easier time establishing a foothold for infection. The single layer tissue cannot withstand the friction associated with penetration, resulting in traumas that expose both degenerates (the giver and receiver) to their disease/death pozz load. This paragraph brought to you by “I fucking love science.

Only someone who is batshit crazy would willingly transform themselves into a walking talking disease and pass their pozz around like candy. In the United States, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates there are just over one million people with HIV. According to the CDC and contrary to the (((media))), HIV is at a higher prevalence among homosexual men and intravenous drug users, than normal straight people. Men who have had sex with men within the last five years account for 78% of new male HIV infections and 63% of all new infections. A study titled Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women found that 3% of homosexual men had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% (almost half) estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners.


Hell, the faggots don’t even know who their partners are – they’re complete strangers. The same study reported that 79% of sodomites say over half of sex partners are strangers. No wonder that 83% of the reported syphilis cases in the United States were by homosexuals (also, thank the CDC for that bit of information). Another study found that homosexual men were significantly more likely than normal men to have gonorrhea and anal warts.

If just reading about the homosexual death cult makes you want to drink, imagine being a member of it? The CDC has also reported that homosexuals have higher rates of alcohol and drug abuse and to quote from their tax-payer funded website: “For some gay and bisexual men, alcohol and illegal drug use, especially methamphetamines (meth), amyl nitrates (poppers), and drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction (when a man has a hard time keeping an erection during sex).” Fabulous!

The above “hate facts” are casualties in “The War on Noticing.” You’re not supposed to notice that homosexuals are weak-willed degenerates that likely won’t reach the age of 65. Those that cheerlead for the homosexual death cult and decree that it should be accepted as normal and healthy are really just genocidal maniacs – they know these same facts, but they don’t care.

I know some will say, “They’re not all like that.”

Yeah, but enough of them are.