Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2015
In one of the best short Trump interviews so far, Bill O’Reilly appears to be setting himself up as a pro-Trump figure, seeing that this will benefit his career. He still pushes the kike narrative, but backs down to Alpha Trump.
The Donald first attacks the “Hedge Fund Boys,” this being a codeword for Jew banksters.

What’s more, The Donald goes on to call Putin a “great leader” and says it is a great thing he is doing in the Middle East fighting ISIS. ORLY then is like “but Assad is evil, he’s gassing thousands” and The Donald slaps that down without going into details just saying “we don’t know.”
Obviously, we do know. Assad “gassing his own people” was an idiotic atrocity lie on part with Saddam’s incubator babies.
It was a Jew who invented that “smashing babies on the floor” gibberish – an alleged “Holocaust survivor” in the US Senate named Tom Lantos – just like it was Jew AIPAC that pushed this total nonsense about Assad gassing his own people for no reason while he is in the middle of a war with a foreign terrorist alliance.
Think about it: “well, we’ve got all these foreign terrorists backed by the US and Israel invading the country – better release poison gas and killing thousands of my own people for no reason.”

Not even Le American Bear believed this gibberish, and AIPAC failed to launch a full-on war against Assad using US forces, and was thus forced to continue funding poorly organized terrorist groups from North Africa to fight Assad.
At least the incubator baby lie was about an atrocity against another country – they say Assad is just randomly killing his own people. Like the man himself said “what the benefit of killing the people?”
The media basically memory-holed the gassing thing after it was proved to be a hoax, the actual gassing having been done by Jew-backed terrorists (on a much smaller scale than claimed by Jew AIPAC). But then Obama brings this gibberish up in his UN speech, so I guess ORLY took that as a cue that it’s been long enough that the American people have forgotten it was a hoax and they can now start pretending it’s real again.
Yes, The Donald is now openly supporting both Putin and Assad, worst enemies of Israel. While demanding all Mexicans and Pakis be shipped out of the country, and claiming he’s going to fix the deficit by taxing Jew billionaires.
This just keeps getting better and better. Only thing I dislike is his occasional pro-Israel, anti-Iran statements, but this is just empty rhetoric meant for the stupid masses, because if he supports Putin and Assad than by default he is anti-Israel and pro-Iran.
This is me right now: