The Donald Calls Out the Democrat Debate Hoax (No One Attacked Hillary)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 16, 2015

Sanders could easily have called Hillary out as a criminal. Yet he did not. I wonder why.

The Donald also wonders.

USA Today:

Donald Trump continued his analysis of Tuesday’s night’s debate, which he live-tweeted, during a rally in Richmond, Va. on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner’s biggest criticism was that he felt no one went after Hillary Clinton aggressively enough. “Nobody attacked her,” he said. “There was no attack.”

The moderators and other Democratic candidates stuck to policy questions, Trump said. In contrast, he felt the Republican debates were “like a reality-television show. With me, everything was an attack.”

Trump was appalled at the extent to which he felt Clinton moved to the left to compete with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whom he calls a communist/socialist and a “maniac.”

“I watched last night as Hillary and Bernie Sanders, they just couldn’t give away things fast enough,” Trump said, presumably referring to their promises of spending on programs such as higher education and paid family leave. “And they’re giving them to illegal immigrants. They want heath care for illegal immigrants. They want drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. They want, listen to this, social security for illegal immigrants.

Hillary is such an easy target, and the fact that Sanders (and I guess there were other guys) didn’t bother to attack her shows that this kike vs. dyke contest is a total hoax.

Interesting that Biden didn’t show up. I had figured there was a good chance he would have. I am relatively sure Hillary is out. But we’ll see.