Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 27, 201
The Jewish publication Bloomberg interviewed The Donald on their “With All Due Respect” program.
The interviewers – there are two of them for some reason, both appear to be ethnically Jewish – pressed the Donald on his “White supremacist supporters” which were featured in a very serious and insightful article by the Jew Evan Osnos in the New Yorker.
Start at 5:00:
The reporters’ question is “why do people like that like Donald Trump?”
In other words, “please explain to us the thought processes of people you don’t know.”
Evan Osnos got to talk to all these “White supremacists” who support trump – except for the Daily Stormer, because I don’t do interviews with rat kikes, no matter how cute their emails are, unless they agree to put me on the cover of the Rolling Stone in a Bane mask – and Evan didn’t even bother to ask them why they support Trump. Or at least he didn’t publish their answers in his 7,500 nonsense piece.
It was all just “oh, they like him, and oh, they want a White America, and oh, Swastika coffee mug.”
No attempt to understand anything or even communicate a concept of any kind.
So since Osnos apparently forgot to ask all these people he interviewed why they tentatively support Trump when he was writing an article about the fact that they support Trump, it is now Trump’s responsibility to figure it out.
The interviewer then asks specifically about David Duke supporting him, and says “would you repudiate David Duke?”
The Donald, mocking the faggot, says “sure. I would do that if it made you feel better. I don’t know anything about him.”

For the record – as The Donald himself notes in the interview – Duke has not officially endorsed Trump, simply says he’s the best of the lot. He has also continued to express suspicions about his Jewish connections.
Read David Duke’s Response to Media Claims He “Endorsed” Donald Trump
“These evil ones support you, so you must be evil” fell pretty flat, Jews. Trump did not break stride. Not that he ever does.