Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 14, 2015

Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are in interesting company in denouncing The Donald’s position on the invasion of America by Mexico.
The Mexican terrorist organization “La Raza” which means “the race” – a group openly attempting a conquest of the United States in the name of the Mexican race – denounced The Donald in basically the exact same terms Hillary and Jeb (as well as all other candidates) have used.
Appearing on MSNBC’s “The Rundown with Jose Diaz-Balart,” Janet Murguia, President and CEO of the National Council of La Raza, said:
Well, obviously, Donald Trump is being very divisive, inflammatory, and in many instances, using false information to talk about what is true, and that is a broken immigration system.
We do all agree we need to fix a broken immigration system, but we do not agree with Donald Trump that when he characterizes the numbers of people coming across the border. This is not true. The Pew Center has stated, quite clearly, that we’re at a low when it comes to migration from Mexico to the US, it’s a net zero that we’ve seen in the last three to five years.
So, for Donald Trump to be trying to stir emotions in a very negative way is not positive, it’s divisive, and it’s not going to create solutions. And all Americans, including Hispanic-Americans, want leadership, and they want solutions. And instead, he’s creating division, so for us, it is absolutely offensive to hear this kind of talk.
Meanwhile, both Hillary and Jew Bernie actually spoke at the conference for this group.
That isn’t particularly surprising. What is surprising is that Jeb Bush didn’t show up, since he has made it so clear that it is more important to him to cater to Latinos than Whites, no matter how alienating this may be to Whites.
He has also made it clear that he wants unlimited amounts of Mexican criminals in America, and believes America’s future should be brown.
So why did he snub The Race?