The Donald Explains Campaign Financing to Iowa

Daily Stormer
July 26, 2015

Donald Trump has taken the opportunity of speaking in Iowa – where he is closing in on first place – to explain campaign financing to the people.

He also attacked the rat Scott Walker, who is a complete failure at all things and supported the scam of Common Core.

“The system is all the same.” -Donald Trump

Here’s a portion of the transcript:

DONALD TRUMP: I don’t want your money, I don’t need your money, you have no control over me, bye bye.

Here’s what happens with President Walker (whose state, by the way, is a disaster, but I won’t say that).

Or President Bush, or President Hillary Clinton if she makes it.

Well, it is all the same, to be honest. It is all the system, it is all the same…

These aren’t stupid people, they probably know that building a plant in Mexico is not exactly the best thing that can happen for us, so they may even try to stop it.

They will be bombarded by lobbyists that donate a lot of money to them.

Again, Jeb [Bush] raised $107 million so far.


They’re not putting that money up because it is like a wonderful charity?

Although it is a charity, but not for this country, for other countries.

So, their lobbyists, their special interests will start calling them. President Bush, President Clinton, President Walker. Pretty much whoever is president…

(Other than me.)

They’ll call and say “this guy gave a million dollars to your campaign, this one gave two, this one gave five. You have no choice, you’ve got to do it.”

You know what he’ll say?

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

And the plant will be built in Mexico, and we just lost lots of plants across our country.

Here is the full speech.