The Duke and The Donald

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 29, 2016

In an interview with Jake Tapper, Donald Trump was once again asked about David Duke and “White supremacists.”

Trump has been called on by the Anti-Defamation League, says Jake, to “publicly condemn” David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan.


The implication here is that Duke is the leader of the KKK. In actual fact, Duke has not been a member of the group for four decades, and has himself denounced (“renounced” might be a better word) the group.

Tapper just keeps saying “these groups,” and Trump reasonably states that he doesn’t know what the groups are and he won’t condemn something that he doesn’t know what it is.

He says some of the groups might be fine. That’s quite a thing, huh? “Who knows what the hell’s going on with this ADL, some of these haters are pretty cool guys.”

Hell hath once again been unleashed, with Bubble Boy, Breadface and the whole crew coming out to whine about “White supremacists” and the KKK.

Rubio addressed Duke’s support for Trump at a rally, attempting an el gotcha.

“We cannot be the party that nominates someone who refuses to condemn white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan,” the little boy said.

“By the way, not only is that wrong, it makes him unelectable. How are we going to grow our party with a nominee that refuses to condemn the Ku Klux Klan?” he added. “Don’t tell me he doesn’t know what the Ku Klux Klan is. This is serious.”

Ted tweeted.

Kasich tweeted.

Bernie tweeted.

Trump had already disavowed Duke at a press conference a couple days ago, so the question on CNN was intended to get him to grovel to the ADL by making the disavowment “unequivocal.” The press conference version was sarcastic and condescending, like the response he gave last time this issue came up.

It’s funny how they keep trotting out this issue. It has gotten no traction, whatsoever, and they already know Trump’s response.

It’s desperation.