Stuff People Don’t Like
June 9, 2015
Many American cities have been shut down over “Black Lives Matter” marches.
Many white people enjoying brunch have had their meals disrupted by those black people motivated by the “Black Lives Matter” campaign.
Virtually every media institution in America has provided glowing praise for the “Black Lives Matter” movement, spilling buckets of bilge whenever possible to promote the cause of 21st century black empowerment.

But when the tables are reversed and a crowd of white people gather to assert “Whites Lives Matter,” all hell breaks loose. [Councilman Says “White Lives Matter” Rally Wasn’t Racially Motivated, Gawker, 6-8-15]:
A South Philadelphia rally that saw demonstrators holding signs that read “White Women’s Lives Matter” and “We Will Not Allow You to Terrorize Our Neighborhood” in response to alleged attacks by a group of black women in the neighborhood was not racially motivated,according to the chief of staff for a city councilman who attended the event.
According to local ABC outlet WPVI, which gave the event supportive news coverage, 150 to 200 people including city councilman Mark Squilla gathered at Wolf and Fourth Streets to protest a slow police response to the alleged attacks, both of which were reportedly carried out against white people. One attendee woman shown on WPVI appears to read from a numbered list that contains the items “White lives matter” and “Eliminate the thugs.”
The racism of one key demonstrator apparently goes beyond unsubtle innuendo: Last week, we posted screenshots of racist Facebook postings from a since-deleted account that appears to have belonged to Jack Owens—who WPVI identified as the rally’s organizer. One shows a black man holding a sign that has been altered to read “Please help I’m blind and I think I might be a nigger”; another reads “Black Barbie, comes with: 3 kids, food stamps, and AIDS.”
Anne Kelley, Squilla’s chief of staff, told the website BillyPenn that Squilla attended the rally after an invitation from community members and a local police captain.
Kelley also asserted that “the councilman feels the rally didn’t have racial undertones and was meant to improve on police and community relations,” BillyPenn’s Anna Orso wrote.
Little has been publicized about the attacks that started the rally. According to the alleged victims, the women randomly attacked a man and his 10-year-old son, then assaulted a woman inside her home after she tried to intervene. The alleged victims asked WPVI and Philadelphia’s NBC 10 to conceal their faces and names, and the alleged attackers have not been arrested. But according to a tipster in South Philadelphia, there are rumors that the real story is quite different—that a small, mutual conflict was “exaggerated for the news coverage” so that it would appear that black people were “terrorizing” the neighborhood’s white residents.
Black people are terrorizing neighborhoods in Philadelphia, which is why white flight from the city occurred in the city to begin with and why Mayor Michael Nutter became enraged in April of 2013 that any white person dared point out what it was like to Being White in Philly.
Point in fact: black people are terrorizing pretty much every neighborhood they are found in America, with marches against violence in 65 percent black Baltimore a reminder of why white people abandoned the city; black leaders and black clergy in Cincinnati are calling for an infusion of $50 million to the black community to “creating businesses and employment opportunities and restoring blighted buildings in areas affected by crime.”
But those communities weren’t always blighted, crime-ridden, and in need of either enterprise zone designation or government grants to lose the food desert/pharmacy desert/civilization desert stigma: whites once built a solid, thriving community on the exact same real estate blacks have now blighted, with the latter’s arrival in the community the reason the former abandoned the area.
The earth will literally shake the moment white people explicitly state what they implicitly know to be true: on June 2, 2015 – and in April of 2013 (month the infamous Being White In Philly story was published) – a few white individuals in Philadelphia dared to remind Black-Run America what liberty really means.
For Robert Heinlein pointed out the immortal truth of liberty in Starship Troopers, when he wrote: “Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is the least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.”
The “Black Lives Matter” crowd has the moral high ground because they’ve been authorized the liberty to assert their specious mantra without any debate (after all, the Kerner Report still holds sway over public opinion in America).
White flight wouldn’t exist if individual whites didn’t collectively know the results of black migration to areas formerly all-white are always (agonizingly) the same: property value drops, businesses flee, crime rises, and eventually maintenance to the infrastructure/buildings/homes in the city is neglected which creates the “blight” so commonly found in once-thriving, now majority black areas of America.
White Lives do Matter.
Four words, when combined, have the ability to shake the foundations of modernity.