The End of Sweden: Preparations Made for “Record Numbers” of Muslim “Asylum Seekers”

Daily Stormer
November 5, 2014

Sweden – a country being over run with Muslims.

Sweden is presently preparing to attempt to absorb record numbers of “asylum seekers” from Iraq and Syria, The Local reports.

In April, Sweden’s Migration Board estimated that 61,000 people would apply for asylum this year, but by September it changed the number to 80,000 people by the end of the year.  On Tuesday, they increased it to 83,000, and I am certain it will increase again.

The once-peaceful nation has been flooded with huge numbers of these people over recent years, and now has the highest rape rate in Europe and the second highest in the world.  Approximate a quarter of the White female population will be raped by Muslims at some point in their lives.

Every single one of these asylum applications should be rejected.  If Muslims seek safety than they should find it in another Muslim country.  All Muslims should be deported out of Europe immediately.  These people are invading our lands and need to be dealt with accordingly.