The Entire World is Anti-Semitic

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 21, 2017

I just can’t believe that 128 countries want to gas every last stinking filthy greasy hooked-nose kike and toss it into an oven.

It’s really a shocking development.

I guess maybe Jews should have thought it through better before they FUCKED OVER LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH.


The UN General Assembly has overwhelmingly voted in favor of a resolution calling on the US to reverse its decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. One hundred and twenty eight countries backed the motion.

Nine states voted against the UN resolution and 35 nations abstained. The voting took place at a rare UN General Assembly (UNGA) emergency meeting, convened Thursday at the request of Arab and Muslim nations.

The outcome of the UNGA vote was hailed as a “victory” by Palestine. “We will continue our efforts in the United Nations and at all international forums to put an end to this occupation and to establish our Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital,” Abbas’ spokesman Nabil Abu Rudainah said.

Turkey’s Foreign Minister praised the decision after the vote, saying, that it “once again showed that dignity and sovereignty are not for sale.”

The voting was preceded by a number of member states explaining their stance on the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Turkey, which has led the Muslim opposition to the US Jerusalem declaration, was among the first to speak at the meeting. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stressed that only a two-state solution and sticking to the 1967 borders can be a foundation for a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. The minister said that since Jerusalem is the cradle for the “three monotheistic religions,” all of humanity should come together to preserve the status quo.

We’re still all patiently waiting for the 2-billion strong global Moslem population to do something other than whine about this (while murdering white people randomly).

It surely wouldn’t be hard for these 2 billion people to storm Jerusalem and drive these kikes straight into the sea. But as easy as that would be, it’s just not as easy as just whining like a bunch of little babies and demanding white people do something to make the boo-boo stop the ouch-ouch.

Do something, Haji you coward.