Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 16, 2015

Yesterday, The Chicago Tribune became what is (I believe) the first major newspaper to basically admit that Hillary is officially doomed, and that no one has any idea what this means.
America isn’t yearning for Al Gore, the $200 million man, to run for president and save us from those 1 percenters and their obnoxious carbon footprints.
The same holds true for Crazy Uncle Joe Biden. The vice president has as much bad video in his past as Donald Trump, only his are worse, since Biden’s come in strange accents.
But they’ve been floated out there, listing like balloons in our presidential parade, because the Democrats are in a panic. And you know why:
Hillary Clinton is in the early stages of political sepsis.
Madam Inevitable cut herself with some bad emails. And rather than wash the wound thoroughly with soap that stings, maybe apply a tincture of iodine, she went into deep denial and jammed those fingers in her pockets.
She kept pretending it was nothing, really, and now they’re puffy and throbbing and downright uncomfortable, especially for any Democrat who thinks a few months down the road.
That’s how it opens, the rest of it goes from the assumption that there is probably no way she can become President at this point, and Democrats need to hurry the hell up and figure out something else.

As the reader is presumably aware, she is now officially under federal investigation, and has already publicly admitted to a bunch of felonies which would put a normal person in prison for at least a decade, probably a lot longer.
So, either she is going to be prosecuted as a felony, and while probably avoiding hard time, never again be considered a viable candidate for any political position.
Or she is going to become President.
Both options, from where I am sitting, look equally impossible and inevitable.
This email scandal is incredible. This is worse than what Nixon did, certainly a whole lot worse than what Petreas did. I mean, holding a private server from her home – this is something not even major criminals do. What was on this server? What we she doing that was so illegal she felt she needed that level of security? No one knows, and unless the NSA has records of the transmissions themselves, probably no one ever will, because she has used DoD software to wipe everything.

But we do know that she was keeping Top Secret information, including classified satellite imagery, on the server. That is open and admitted.
How can it be possible to get out of this? I just don’t really see a way. At the same time, I don’t see a way that a figure such as this could be taken down.
But this is all very, very interesting.
If the GOP was not run entirely by cucks, she would already be in custody, on trial for treason. But they have protected her on the same level as the DoJ which is run by her team. Still, they are now forced to investigate her, just because this is so massive, and they are almost certainly going to be forced to prosecute her, especially if Trump decides to press the issue, which I have a feeling he might.
So what does that mean?

The Tribune says it means they are going to have to run Al Gore or Joe Biden, both of whom would lose not only to Trump, but to Jeb Bush (who is still, in realistic terms, the most likely to get the GOP nomination).
But what if something different than that happened?
I have to say: it is very possible, at this point, that something very different than that could happen.
These are exciting times.