The Evolution of White Genocide

Anti-Zionist League
January 19, 2014

karl-marxUntil the close of WWII the ethnic European had never envisaged the concept of the total destruction of a people.

Sure inter-tribal and inter-racial war was a feature of Europe historically, but the physical intention to wipe out a specific racial type was never a part of the European mind set. In this light the word of Greek origin ‘holocaust’ meaning to consume by fire or burnt offering is of ritual consequence referring to an individual sacrifice.

Nevertheless in 1948 the Jewish controlled United Nations convened a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG). It insists that instances of ‘genocide’ have taken place throughout history.

raphael-lemkin-invented-the-word-genocideIt was the Jew Raphael Lemkin who invented the term “genocide” in 1944 by combining Greekgenos (γένος; race, people) and Latin cīdere (to kill) the essence of which suggest the destruction of a specific gene type. However, Lemkin defined genocide as follows:

“Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.”

the-real-holocaustIn this he codifies a very specific notion of genocide pertaining particularly to ‘nation’. In 1944 it was still understood that ‘nation’ meant people not territory thus the 1953 edition of the shorter Oxford Dictionary was still defining genocide as the destruction of a race.

Yet the very specificity of Lemkin’s definition indicates an intention for a theoretical assault on the concept of genocide. Almost 70 years of Jewish Marxist propaganda has corrupted the concept of Nation relating it to country rather than racial heritage. With this Marxistpolitically correct’ version of Nation flooding the language later dictionary definitions of genocide have naturally been sanitised falling in line with Lemkin’s rather broad description. The idea was to initiate the concept of targeted annihilation but render the general word so bland that its parallel would be imbued with enormous sympathetic significance. This would explain the tidal wave of propaganda that hit in the late 60′s. It was at this point that as Holodomor Info states “Jewish Hollywood was tripping over itself to clutter the market with ‘Holocaust’ movies, dramas and documentaries.”

The Jewish tribe engendered the word ‘Holocaust’ with a new meaning. In the Jewish construct the target for annihilation was to be very specific the use of the word ‘Holocaust’ was to be reserved for the Jewish tribe only. The significance of this is threefold.  First in order to activate the ‘Holocaust’ construct it was necessary to introduce the ethnic European to an alien concept that of ‘genocide’ or the conscious destruction of a people. Initially the nature of this destruction or ‘Genocide’ implies that all people are equally worthy of life the conscious massacre of which being immoral. Therefore, the second issue is to give the word ‘genocide’ less impact by blaring its meaning. However, a counterpart of Genocide also meaning annihilation identifies a very specific people. Consequently the third and final task is to promote this construct as ‘unique’ so there is no doubt of the Jewish hallowed status.


This sort of contempt for the ethnic European is rife throughout the Jewish community. The origin can be found in the Talmud, the Jewish book of law-Jehovah created man in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The European is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night. Midrash Talpioth p. 225-L Subsequent Rabbis, particularly in the occupied territory of Palestine, advocate these views and most notably in New York the infamous Rabbi Ginsburgh expounded the view that non-Jews may be killed in order to supply the Jew with organs. With this a group of Jewish Israeli men were arrested in connection with a massive human organ trafficking operation. It involved the removal of organs from living ethnic Serbs who were then left for dead in mass graves.  There is no doubt that Ginsburgh’s statement provided the justification for this aberration.

Ginsburgh’s announcements where published in the largest New York Jewish Newspaper yet no attempts have been made to demand a retraction despite the explicit nature of political correctness. The overt nature of Jewish arrogance also features on the university campus with the Jewish ‘Professor’ Noel Ignatiev who quite blatantly teaches the annihilation of the White race. In the meantime the demographic of Europe and its territories is distorted by the influx of coloureds and hideous propaganda promoting miscegenation (race mixing). Coloured importation into White lands and only White lands is indefensible and those who try are race traitors. Immigration is White Genocide and this is the object of the Jewish occupation of Europe.  Nevertheless, a Jewish media monopoly restricts, corrupts and manipulates a tidal wave of European tradition strangling the ethnic people with ‘false guilt’ and Jewish Marxist propaganda. It requires an independent mind to break through the dogma churned out via the Jewish mainstream. However, it is necessary to question information received from any source and formulate one’s own opinion instead of blindly accepting like cattle (goyim) to the slaughter.