Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2014

The disgusting Jew witch Luciana Berger has crawled out of the shadows wherein she dwells to demand Twitter do more to shut down the free speech of her racial enemies: Whites.
Speaking for the first time since our operation against her, she told the Telegraph that her mission is to force Twitter to ban the word “kike” because it hurts her feelings and apparently endangers her life somehow when people use it.
Luciana Berger, the shadow Minister for Public Health, has expressed her disappointment with the social media site’s handling of abuse and called for it to ban racist words such as ‘kike’, (a derogatory term for Jews) “which can never be used in a positive way”.
Talking for the first time since she was the target of thousands of online messages attacking her for being Jewish, Miss Berger told Telegraph Wonder Women: “At the height of the abuse, the police said I was the subject of 2,500 hate messages in the space of three days using the hashtag: #filfthyjewbitch.
“Online hate needs to be taken as seriously as offline hate – but it isn’t. Twitter’s response isn’t good enough. It has a responsibility to do more to protect its users. The site is letting me and many others down who have been the subject of lots of hate… It could start by proactively banning racist words which aren’t allowed to printed in newspapers or broadcast on TV that could never be used in a positive way – such as kike – a derogative and anti-Semitic term for describing a Jew.”
Miss Berger said she personally texted Twitter’s UK head of Public Policy, Nick Pickles, in a bid to have her abuser’s accounts suspended and the offensive images of herself and messages taken down from the site.
“Twitter let me down. It took well over a week for some of the abusive content to be removed and even when it was, the approach was sporadic and very haphazard,” Miss Berger told The Telegraph.
“Twitter has made some improvements on the site and it’s important that you can report people – but when you are getting the level of abuse I was, it’s an onerous task reporting each and every person.”
Here was the funniest part:
Miss Berger said the online abuse was led by white supremacists and neo-Nazis from the US and the UK and that the experience has forced her to upgrade the security in both her constituency and London homes.
“The Special Branch [of the police] has done an assessment of my home in Liverpool and where I stay in London. I now have a different alarm system, shatterproof film on my windows, CCTV cameras and a bomb bag at the back of my post boxes… The whole episode has shocked and surprised me. I now always travel with someone,” she explained.
I’m not sure if these whining feminists actually believe people from the internet are going to ambush them in their homes or if they just want to play up this “I’m just a poor widdle girl in a big mean boy’s world” pity party, but either way I think this whole meme of women “forced to flee their homes” and “increase their security apparatus” because someone sent them an email saying they were going to rape them has gotten to the point that no one can hear it without bursting out laughing.
Phase Two: Engage
The time has come to launch the next phase of the operation, which will be called Filthy Jew Bitch 2: Ratfaced Kike.
Steel yourselves. Create multiple new Twitter accounts and prepare to hit Berger harder than she has ever been hit. Twitter has already given ground to the Jew once, and they are now obligated to give more ground.
One of our goals is for Twitter to be completely collapsed as a company as they make their service unusable in their attempts to protect the emotions of the Jew parasite. If we push the word “kike” hard enough that John Mann once again puts the entire British Parliament on Twitter, Twitter could start keyword banning which will signal their doom.

As wacky as it is that this Jew actually believes that the only word that should be banned is the one which hurts the feelings of the chosen ones, polite society is still mostly unwilling to make such frank admissions of the pervasive existence of Jewish privilege. Thus, once “kike” is banned, “nigger” will then need to be banned, then “faggot” and eventually probably “slut” and “bitch” as well.
Internet censorship is a death spiral, and keyword banning is completely unmanageable.
At the same time as a company publicly collapses for catering to the sick, deformed emotional make-up of the Jew control freak, the world will see the Jews responsible for this debacle, see that they destroyed Twitter because they couldn’t handle people making fun of them.
Even if Twitter grows a spine and it doesn’t reach that level (it is hard to imagine they would really do the keyword banning, as they understand the scenario I outlined above – it’s just that the fact they implemented the reporting system at Berger’s request shows they are somehow holding serious sway), Berger and her goy-toy John Mann are going to take this back to Parliament and make a huge fuss all over again.
The reckoning cometh.
I know you’re all inching for another go at this #RatfacedKike.
I will have updates shortly on the details of this operation.
Watch this spot.