The Friendship of the World

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
July 26, 2013

“Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God”
James 4:4


Pope Francis meets with Jewish leaders.
Pope Francis meets with Jewish leaders.

From an Associated Press story on Pope Francis’ visit to Brazil:

Pope Francis urged Catholics to resist the “ephemeral idols” of money, power and pleasure…In his homily, Francis appealed for the faithful to not seek out false idols of money and success that he said take the place of God. Rather, he called for Brazilians to keep Christian values of faith, generosity and fraternity.

Francis’ words are certainly unobjectionable in themselves, as money, power and pleasure are idols to which many men do bow down.  But major religious leaders such as Pope Francis only condemn these idols in a way that is acceptable to the mainstream culture: power, money and pleasure can be attacked, but one cannot name the one group (the Jews) that most effectively uses these idols to manipulate men.  When trying to combat evil it is necessary to identify and confront those who spread evil.  Jesus did not merely attack the sinfulness of men in general, but He named specific groups, such as the Pharisees, who were notorious for their wicked behavior:

woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
-Matthew 23:13

Note how Jesus says that the Pharisees, through their manipulation and false teachings, keep men from reaching heaven.  We face the very same situation ourselves, for the Jews, the Pharisees of today, have dragged millions of Christians away from the true faith through their influence in finance and the media.

Because he enjoys the friendship of the world, Francis has not only avoided “antisemitic” comments but has actively courted Jewish favor.  According to an article from the Jewish Daily Forward  published shortly after Francis’ election as Pope:

Like Benedict before him, Francis in one of his first official acts wrote to Rome’s chief rabbi, Riccardo Di Segni. He invited Di Segni to the papal inaugural Mass and said he hoped “to be able to contribute to the progress that relations between Jews and Catholics have experienced” since the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.

From its inception up until the 1960s the Catholic Church had been more or less hostile to the Jews, but in the mid-20th century Jews infiltrated the Church and brought about several changes in Catholic theology.  The Catholic Church thenceforth denied the Biblical teaching that the Jews are guilty of the murder of Christ.  During this time the Church also suppressed the cult of St Simon of Trent.  Simon was one of the hundreds of children reported to have been kidnapped and tortured to death by Jews during their depraved religious rituals.  He had been venerated as a martyr for centuries, but not offending the Jews has become more important than honoring those who died because of their Christian faith.

Recently Francis has gone so far as to say that  “a true Christian cannot be anti-Semitic.”  That is, the Church only discovered what it really means to be a Christian in the 1960s. This position is so illogical that it is a wonder that more people do not simply laugh at it.  But this position is constantly promoted by both Catholics and Protestants, and it is widely accepted because accepting it is the easiest way to gain the friendship of the world.

The Catholic Church, like all other institutions of Western Civilization, completely broke with tradition in the 20th century.  But in the case of the Church it is strange that there has not been more resistance, given that so many thousands of Catholics still enter the ascetic life.  The fear of losing one’s income keeps many of us from publicly opposing Jewish power, but the monks and nuns of the Catholic Church have already made vows of poverty, and therefore they should be the ones most willing to speak the truth about the Jews.  I suggest the reason they have not spoken out is that men value the respect of the mainstream culture even more than they value riches.  In our current culture there is nothing as wretched as an “antisemite”, and although Christians ascetics can bear poverty and chastity, bearing the opprobrium associated with antisemitim is even more difficult. The modern world is thoroughly Jewish, and therefore nothing makes one more hated by the world than being anti-Jewish.  By the same token if one truly wants to struggle against the world then one must name the Jew.  Once again, preaching against the idols of pleasure and wealth in our contemporary society without naming the Jew would be like Christ telling his followers to avoid false teachers without naming the Pharisees.