On April 20, 1939, Adolf Hitler turned 50. It was a very happy day for Germany.
All photos by Hugo Jaeger.
Ferdinand Porsche stands with Hitler admiring his 50th birthday gift: a Volkswagon convertableA rally in celebration of Adolf Hitler’s 50th birthday, Berlin.The Berlin Birthday Rally Again.The Ost-West-Achse (East-West Axis) in Berlin, where the rally took place.Hitler witnesses the troops marching in his honor – for the honor of GermanyGuests of honor watch the Fuhrer’s birthday parade.Heavy artillery is brought before the sight of the Leader.Some bright-faced paraders.Banners hanging in Hitler’s honor read “Wir danken dir (“We thank you”).”Hitler shakes hands with Heinrich Hoffmann, his personal photographer, while his doctor, Theodor Morrell, waits to give his birthday greetings.A few of Hitler’s birthday gifts, stored in a room at the Reich Chancellery.Hitler again with automobile engineer and designer Ferdinand Porsche, inspecting his birthday car.More presents in the Reich Chancellery.Adolf receives a model of a condor airplane.A gift from Luftwaffe commander Herman Goering: a solid gold model of the Haus der Deutschen Kunst (a celebrated German museum).Ferdinand Porsche presents the Fuhrer with a model car.Another beautiful gift: a hand-worked castle inlaid with precious stones.Brandenburg gate and colonnades lit up for the birthday celebration.