The Gay Mafia is Attacking Homo Trump Supporters

Daily Stormer
June 20, 2016


A homo contemplating voting for Trump. Stop, bro. Don’t do it. We need you, man. Well, we need your vote.

The Orlando shooting is pouring a cold shower of reality on the homo community. While homosexualists loathe the very idea of conservatism, and mostly are against nationalism, the very real threat of being throw off rooftops once the Hajis take power is starting to pull away many of them from Hillary and the Democratic party.

But gays, ironically, are not known for their tolerant and peaceful natures.

NBC News:

A number of gay men who have decided to throw their support behind Trump told NBC OUT it has not been an easy road. Juan Hernandez, a gay and Latino member of the Log Cabin Republicans, said his support led to physical violence by anti-Trump protesters at a rally in San Jose. Images of the attack and his bloodied clothes went viral.

“This is politics. Debate is OK,” Hernandez said. “When you start getting violent and throwing out derogatory terms, that’s not OK.”

These wacky homos will just beat up anyone who goes against the gay hive-mind.

Hernandez, who switched to the GOP after realizing his views outside of LGBTQ issues were more conservative, said he was a target even before the rally in San Jose. Other members of the LGBTQ and Latino communities, he said, have singled him out for his Trump support. “They’ll email me or send me messages. They say that I’m a sellout,” he explained.

Eric, a 25-year-old gay Marine Corps veteran, was a Trump supporter before the Orlando shooting, but he said the attack – and the dangers he believes “radical Islam” poses to the gay community – has reinforced his support.

“Donald Trump has taken charge,” he said.” I’m gonna go for his stance on immigration and rebuilding the military.”

But while Eric is a vocal Trump supporter, he declined to provide his last name due to fear of violence or “doxxing,” the malicious publication of a private citizen’s personal information online.

“It’s easy to come out of the closet,” he said. “It’s dangerous to come out as a Trump supporter.”

Indeed, it takes courage to support the Glorious Leader in this age of treachery and darkness. Even more so when you have the gay mafia to worry about.

Sure, once we’re in power, you’ll all have to go back in the closet. But i guess that’s better than being stoned by terrorists.


Look, we’re gonna build you a closet, OK? And it’ll be the best closet you ever seen. HUGE. And you’ll have to stay in it. But it’ll be nice – you know me, I make things nice – don’t worry about that. And guess what? We’ll get Mexico to pay for that too. Trust me. They’re gonna pay for it.