The Goals of Chabad-Lubavitch

Destroy Zionism
December 3, 2013

jewish racism31From a Chabad writing, quoted in a text about the Noahide Laws:

The main avodah [spiritual goal] of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that ‘and kingship will be Hashem’s,’ Ovadiah 1:21). (Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746)

Consequently, it is obvious and self-evident that in modern times we must carry out the Divine Command we received through Moshe [Moses]: ‘To compel all human beings to accept the commandments enjoined upon the descendants of Noach. (Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747, Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 75)

The Seven Laws must be explained in a way that the nations can relate to and, because non-Jews do not possess genuine free will, they will be willing to change more quickly and easily than a Jew. (Hisvaduyos 5748 3:183, cited in “The Deed is the Main Thing,” Kol Boi Ha’olam, p. 385-386)

Even in the future, the nations will continue to exist, to serve and help the Jewish people . . . (Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21 Kislev, 5745