The Hague: Racist Treatment of Punk Rock Refugees Includes No TV in the Room

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2015

Shocking new interviews from THE HAGUE have emerged, wherein immigrants discuss the brutal and abusive treatment they are subjected to by European racists.

Many of the refugees are punk rockers. Punk rock, like gay anal sex, is persecuted in Moslem countries.
Many of the refugees are punk rockers. Punk rock, like gay anal sex, is persecuted in Moslem countries.

Protesting the conditions of not enough free money, bad food and no TV in the room, punk rock Pakis as well as other types of Pakis slept outside. They said they came here for a better life, not for a bad room.

The punk rock girl featured in the clip said “maybe we should go back to our country, not in there. I think it’s fair enough.”

Is this girl Puerto Rican?
Is this girl Puerto Rican?

If these migrants start returning to their own countries, Europe will face some kind of… some kind of reverse migrant crisis.

Who will pay the pensions?

We’ve got a bloody de-migrantization on our hands here people.

Others claimed that the bland and repetitive nature of the food was unbearable.

These men, who are maybe here because they blow each other or maybe just because they're from a poor country, need more variety in their meals.
These men, who are maybe here because they blow each other or maybe just because they’re from a poor country, need more variety in their meals.

Expert Jewish analysts noted that this situation gives new meaning to the Tom Petty song “Refugee,” saying “refugees should not have to live like refugees. It is wrong, and it is racist.”