The Hague Rules Against China in Philippines Dispute

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2016


The impotent Hague international court has declared China has no rights to the islands of the South China Sea they’ve claimed, but China is simply replying that they have no authority over them and they can come and take the islands if they want them.


China has caused irreparable harm to the ecosystem of the Spratly Islands and breached the Philippines’ sovereign rights, the Hague Tribunal has ruled.

Beijing has ignored the ruling, saying its islands come with exclusive economic zones, where Chinese people have had activities for 2,000 years.

The court said in the 497-page ruling that “There was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line’,” referring to a demarcation line on a map of the sea from 1947.

China has repeatedly warned that it would not recognize any adverse ruling from The Hague’s arbitration court, which was widely expected. Beijing boycotted the hearings at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, saying that it does not have jurisdiction to decide the dispute.

According to the Tribunal, Beijing’s exclusive economic zone violates sovereignty by “interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration; constructing artificial islands and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone,” among other things.

The Tribunal further held that Chinese law-enforcement vessels had unlawfully created a serious risk of collision when they physically obstructed Philippine vessels, according to the press release.

The foreign minister of the Philippines has already commented on the ruling, cautioning that those concerned must exercise sobriety and restraint, Reuters reported.

“Our experts are studying this award with the care and thoroughness that this significant arbitration outcome deserves,” Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay told a news conference.

China “solemnly declares that the award is null and void and has no binding force. China neither accepts nor recognizes it,” its Foreign Ministry said.

“China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea shall under no circumstances be affected by those awards. China opposes and will never accept any claim or action based on those awards,” the statement said.

Beijing has issued a statement reaffirming its territorial sovereignty, maritime rights, and interests in the South China Sea, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Obama will, of course, come out and threaten a war with China over this, just as he is constantly threatening to invade Russia over Crimea.

But the new top shitlord of the Philippines, Rody Duterte, has stated plainly that he wants to move away from the West and toward China, so he’s probably going to concede this territory anyway.

Which makes it a funny situation.

The West, which has used the Philippines as its top South Asian proxy base since forever, is trying to keep these territorial rights for themselves, using the alleged sovereignty of the Flips as a shield. But Duterte is going to come out and be like “oh well actually no, we don’t need your help, we’re going to go ahead and negotiate with China ourselves.”

Though when he’s saying it to the US, he will probably use a lot of profanity.