American Thinker
December 15, 2013

It seems that a veritable ongoing epidemic of sexual offense by female teachers is mostly unnoticed by the national press. I found out about this epidemic when blogger Stacy McCain recently wrote about a Michigan public school teacher where the union is insisting he receive severance after being dismissed for a three year long sexual relationship with a student that began when she was only 14. Guess what happened to Stacy?
Once you start covering stories like this, people keep sending you tips. Having just recently reported the latest development in the case of Michigan teacher Neal Erickson, this one arrived via e-mail.
“This” is an Allentown PA case about a female teacher molesting a 13 year old boy. And it seems to be the tip of an iceberg of stories about female pedophiles, stories that mostly stay in the local news. How many? Enough that McCain has a link to a website with 211 mug shots of females accused and/or convicted of sexually assaulted minors. My random sample showed the overwhelming number of the offenders were school teachers or otherwise employed in school systems where they would have access to young victims, mostly male. All of the incidents had been within the last ten to twelve years. No controversial recovered memories or promptings by lawyers looking to sue the school districts involved on behalf of victims seemed to play a part in these accusations.
Funny how none of this is seen by the national media as an indictment of the rot inside the nation’s school system.
And what of the revelations of sexual predation that occurred at the elite private Horace Mann School during the same time period of the most noted stories of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church- the 70s, 80s and 90s? The result of those 2012 revelations was a 13 page feature in the NT Times by a former Horace Mann student. The tone is wistful as the author notes those were more innocent times and many of the perps — who otherwise tended to be admirable teachers and coaches rather than monsters — are now dead. As with the stories of abuse in the Catholic Church, more former Horace Mann students have come forward since then with their tales and to ask for compensation.
Isn’t it interesting that institutional rot only seems to be the lesson to be taken away from a sexual-predation-of-minors story when the accused are priests?