Daily Stormer
January 24, 2014

As we cover the endless epidemic of black-on-white rape here on the Daily Stormer – a black male rapes a White female every 15 minutes in America – we cannot forget that sometimes Whites rape other Whites.
This is one such shocking, disgusting case.
From the Daily Mail:
A former Houston, Texas English teacher was sentenced to one year in jail and one year of probation on Tuesday for sleeping with a 15-year-old student.
Kathryn Camille Murray, 31, plead guilty last month to one count improper relations with a student and one count sexual assault of a child. Two other counts were dropped after the former Memorial Middle School teacher agreed to a plea deal.
Murray was also charged for harboring a runaway after continuing to see the teen after her initial arrest – defying a judge’s orders.
The inappropriate relationship began in February 2012 when Murray, who is still married, was tutoring the Spanish-speaking eighth grader and the two went on to have ‘repeated’ sexual encounters, according to KHOU.
On one occasion, Murray picked up the teen from a school dance after his dad dropped him off and took him to a hotel where they had sex for two hours.
The couple were caught the following night by the teen’s younger brother who found them in bed at the family home while their parents were away.
Murray was fired that month following the allegations but remained free on $50,000 bail.
Police discovered that the two had sex in a classroom at least twice and that prior to her arrest, Murray had closed her bank account and planned to skip the border to Mexico.
Can you even begin to imagine the suffering this teenage boy went through, being forced to have sex with his hot blonde English teacher?
His entire life has been ruined.