The Huffington Post Actually Printed This in Response to the Nice Attack

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2016


What is this bitch praying for? More corpses? Go back to Africa, monkey – you’re not welcome here.

In response to the Nice attack by an Arab Islamic terrorist, The Huffington Post has printed an article claiming both that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam and that it is White people’s fault.

In an article entitled “We Must Confront Terrorism With Reason And Intelligence,” the Moroccan Ismael Zniber writes:

Here are the possible origins of terrorism:

  • a lack of education
  • economic stagnation
  • moral seclusion
  • social exclusion
  • a lack of representation
  • an absence of professional opportunities
  • a lack of dialogue and listening
  • a rejection of others
  • discrimination
  • fear
  • resentment
  • hatred
  • ignorance

But never religion!

And these reasons are not one-sided, the fault is never one-sided!

Just to be clear, I am a neo-Nazi White supremacist, and thus an apologist for this ideology. And I would not claim that racial tensions are not a cause of White acts of violence such as those of Anders Breivik or Dylann Roof.

It would be ridiculous, and make me look like a shifty liar.


I would, however, blame the opposition – the Jews and their policies of multiculturalism – for provoking these actions.

Zniber follows this part, blaming terrorist attacks by Moslems on own opposition – White Europeans.

He does this by using the technique of claiming that the terrorists themselves are Europeans (because they were born in Europe), and then using the pronoun “we” to refer to White Europeans.

Many of those who perpetrate attacks in France and who slaughter and enslave families in Iraq and Syria are notably European. They are European, often of North African descent, but European above all, who integrate into the ranks of ISIS. We have therefore failed somewhere. What now needs to be done is to understand why.

So, “We have therefore failed somewhere” should read “you Whites have therefore failed somewhere.”

This idea that moving to a different country changes who you are is on the face of it completely and totally insane. The ravings of a lunatic. But they have chanted it for so long that they can now take it as a given, reference it as if it is an accepted fact of science that all human identity is determined by geography.

Of course, there is no science to support it, and in fact all science shows that the overwhelming majority of intelligence, character, criminality, etc. is determined by genetics. When we speak of large populations with a similar genetic make-up, we are speaking of race.

The race of Arabs leads them to adopt the religion of Islam which leads them to murder their racial enemies in a systematic way.