The Impermanence of Things

Daily Stormer
October 2, 2014

The following lines on the horrible and destructive nature of multiculturalism is edited from a post I found on a chan board.  It was written by anon.

The true face of multiculturalism.
The true face of multiculturalism.

I learned the usual things about impermanence – this existence, this cursed planet, all of its billions of people clawing and screaming for a single moment of true happiness, is temporary. All is temporary, all must end eventually.

And I realized that culture is the same. It’s temporary, all great cultures fade eventually. But during their existence, some of them are absolutely beautiful in their many facets. Classical Western culture is beautiful – the architecture, the music, the arts. Oriental cultures similarly have their own beauty.

And here we are spoiling all these cultures by mixing them around, forming a global monolithic culture via capitalism while simultaneously tainting cultures and peoples with the great and evil joke that is “multiculturalism.” We’re going from a world full of varying and beautiful colors, like paints ready to be applied to a canvas, to a world where all the colors are mixed and they just form one dull undightly brown.

Desires and an inability to let things go may very well be the main root of suffering, but goddamn it, I would rather suffer for the rest of my life trying to hold on to the world as it was than spend my life in a world where everything looks the same wherever I go – the same formless “post-modern” architecture made of glass and steel, the same fast-food consumerist culture, the same garbage music and degenerate “modern” art, the same coffee-colored brown-eyed black-haired people.

If this is the future set out for us, then I shall forever cling to the past and be miserable for it.