Kevin MacDonald
Occidental Observer
September 18, 2014

From an op-ed by James Bamford in the NYTimes on his conversations with Edward Snowden (“Israel’s NSA Scandal“):
Among his most shocking discoveries, he told me, was the fact that the N.S.A. was routinely passing along the private communications of Americans to a large and very secretive Israeli military organization known as Unit 8200. This transfer of intercepts, he said, included the contents of the communications as well as metadata such as who was calling whom.
Typically, when such sensitive information is transferred to another country, it would first be “minimized,” meaning that names and other personally identifiable information would be removed. But when sharing with Israel, the N.S.A. evidently did not ensure that the data was modified in this way.
Mr. Snowden stressed that the transfer of intercepts to Israel contained the communications — email as well as phone calls — of countless Arab- and Palestinian-Americans whose relatives in Israel and the Palestinian territories could become targets based on the communications. “I think that’s amazing,” he told me. “It’s one of the biggest abuses we’ve seen.”
It appears that Mr. Snowden’s fears were warranted. Last week, 43 veterans of Unit 8200 — many still serving in the reserves — accused the organization of startling abuses. In a letter to their commanders, to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and to the head of the Israeli army, they charged that Israel used information collected against innocent Palestinians for “political persecution.” In testimonies and interviews given to the media, they specified that data were gathered on Palestinians’ sexual orientations, infidelities, money problems, family medical conditions and other private matters that could be used to coerce Palestinians into becoming collaborators or create divisions in their society.
Indeed, information on gay Palestinians is used by Israel to blackmail them into collaborating with Israel. An Israeli soldier:
Any information that might enable extortion of an individual is considered relevant information. Whether said individual is of a certain sexual orientation, cheating on his wife, or in need of treatment in Israel or the West Bank – he is a target for blackmail. (Mondoweiss: “Israel routinely blackmails gay Palestinians to make them informants“)
So the United States whose foreign policy champions gay rights, allows Israel to use data to blackmail gay Palestinians. The usual Israeli exception to the liberal/left transformation of the West.
And as the Mondoweiss article notes, Israel “has sold itself internationally as a gay mecca.” This provides them credibility in the constant refrain that Israel is the lone liberal, democratic society in the Middle East.
It should also trouble Americans that the N.S.A. could head down a similar path in this country. Indeed, there is some indication, from a top-secret 2012 document from Mr. Snowden’s leaked files that I saw last year, that it already is. The document, from Gen. Keith B. Alexander, then the director of the N.S.A., notes that the agency had been compiling records of visits to pornographic websites and proposes using that information to damage the reputations of people whom the agency considers “radicalizers” — not necessarily terrorists, but those attempting, through the use of incendiary speech, to radicalize others. (The Huffington Post has published a redacted version of the document.)
The targets mentioned in this document are American Muslims, but of course it is quite conceivable, even likely, that such tactics would be used against anyone seen as an enemy of the status quo, including White advocates.