Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2014

The official death toll from the mass murder in Gaza is now at 120. Obviously, the lying Jews low-ball these numbers, so we can probably suppose it is at least twice that, plus 40%.
Remember, this is an admitted “revenge” operation launched to collectively punish the Palestinian people for the deaths of three Jewish brats who were allegedly found buried on land they were admittedly trespassing on in the West Bank. Of course, they are now trying to play it off as “defense from rocket attacks,” but these firecrackers only began popping off once Israel had started the indiscriminate slaughter.
So, while all of this is going down, and Gaza is a literal hell on earth with innocent people simply being killed en mass, the filthy Jews are actually on television in the Western world claiming to be victims.

Imagine this:
Three American boys go hitch-hiking in British Columbia, Canada without proper legal documents, in defiance of Canadian authorities. The boys go missing. A few days later, they turn up, having been murdered and buried in the Canadian Rockies. There is no suspect, no known motive for the killings. There are no confessions, not even any form of circumstantial evidence pointing to any individual or group as possibly responsible for the killings.
The US government then declares that “Canada will pay for this” – in particular, they put the blame on French Quebec, the government and citizenry of which has no real connection to the government of British Columbia where the bodies were found. They then begin bombing civilian targets in Montreal, seemingly at random (though with the apparent preference for killing women and small children over grown men), in an operation that is openly declared to be for “revenge.”
In a panic, the government of French Quebec, who has no actual military to speak of, in an act of pitiful desperation, sends a defunct rocket toward New York. No one is hurt. The US government then declares that it is time to escalate bombings, and begins murdering civilians and destroying property and infrastructure at an exponentially accelerated rate, telling the world it is under attack.
Then, Barack Obama, and all of the rest of the US government, along with the entire citizenry of the US, go out and declare that they are victims, and that all they have done is defended themselves, and anyone who questions that narrative is doing so because of a vile, racist hatred of the American people.
What would the “international community” say about America in this situation, I wonder?
Would foreign countries have twenty-four hour news coverage claiming that America has been brutally victimized by Canada, and must defend itself? Would the voice of Canadians be completely silenced throughout the international media, with the masses only being permitted to hear the official story of the United States about why they were murdering innocent French Canadian civilians?
No, I don’t think it would go down that way. Every nation in the world would condemn the US as acting in an insane, brutal, murderous fashion. An international military response in defense of the French Canadian citizenry would be organized, as meetings were called at the UN security council to deal with this asymmetric war by a superpower against a pitiful group of French who have zero ability to defend themselves from advanced methods of modern warfare.
But the US did not launch a war against Canada over three murdered teenagers trespassing in Canada.
Israel launched a war against Gaza for this reason.
And the entire media apparatus has gone into high-gear to defend this mass murder being committed by the Jewish State.
Regardless of how completely delusionally insane it looks to any single individual with even a small portion of a brain, the Jews are on every media outlet claiming that they are victims, and that the Palestinians are the ones hurting them.
I think the Jew pity train has reached the end of the line. They have had virtually unlimited pity credit after faking this idiot Holohoax tale, but that whole story is running out of gas, as more and more question whether or not it even happened, and even more stop caring if it happened at all.
They couldn’t have picked a worse time to launch such a massive operation of slaughter against the pitiful and pathetic Palestinians – because ISIS is rising.

Does it not feel as if all hell is about to break loose?
Do you not feel a tingling down in your bones, brothers?
Judgement Day is coming.
Ready your bodies, minds and souls, for none shall make it through what is to come unscathed.
It’s happening.
Hail Victory.