Daily Stormer
July 30, 2014

Jim Goad, responding to the recent weird drama in the comics world, which includes a female Thor and a Black Captain America, gave us a bit of background on the history of the liberal Jewish agenda’s promotion in the world of comics.
In 2011, Marvel murdered the Caucasian Peter Parker and swapped him out for the half-black/half-Puerto Rican “Miles Morales” as the human being who lurks beneath Spider-Man’s mask. According to Marvel’s half-Mexican Editor in Chief Alex Alonso, his writers’ “job is to re-imagine characters in a forward-thinking, progressive manner. … As a Hispanic, it is nice to see Spider-Man’s … last name resemble the last name of my son.”
Also in 2011, Action Comics had Superman—whose motto had been “truth, justice, and the American way”—appear before the United Nations to renounce his American citizenship because he’d become disgusted with the American way.
Batwoman, originally conceived in 1956 as a presumably heterosexual shiksa, reemerged in 2006 as a Jewish lesbian.
Nick Fury had existed as a Marvel Comics superhero since 1956 as a one-eyed white man. He’s still chugging along, but in 2001 he was one-upped by Ultimate Nick Fury, a one-eyed black man.
In 2012, DC Comics’ Green Lantern came out of the closet as a homosexual and married another man.
Last year saw the unveiling of Ms. Marvel, apparently the world’s first Pakistani Muslim comic-book superheroine.
And the modern X-Men represent a whole cast of “mutants” that include a Holocaust survivor, a Malcolm X clone, and a full dozen gay and bisexual superheroes.
When modern white singers such as Miley Cyrus twerk with black backup dancers and Katy Perry wears a geisha costume, the leftist chorus howls that they are guilty of the sin of “cultural appropriation,” and we all know that such appropriation isn’t appropriate.
Why, then, don’t we hear the same cries of “cultural appropriation” when Archie Comics’ Jewish co-CEOs green-light Archie’s murder in defense of a gay senator or Marvel’s Hispanic editor decides to make Captain America black and Thor into a woman? Why, especially, is a non-Nordic male allowed to rub his grubby fingers all over an ancient Nordic male god to suit his half-assed “progressive” agenda?
Would Nancy Silberkleit be OK with a film version where a Nazi skinhead plays the role of Moses? Would Alex Alonso be just bueno if Larry the Cable Guy were to portray Che Guevara in a cable-TV movie? Of course they wouldn’t. They don’t think it’s “progressive” for anyone to mess with their cultural icons.
What they’re doing goes far beyond mere “cultural appropriation.” This is cultural pillaging.