Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2014
The Jewish media system is obsessed with emasculating the White male while presenting the black male as the ideal image of masculinity.
This Visa commercial pretty well epitomizes the entire program.
The White man is flabby, unassertive, limp-wristed and fearful, while the black is a massive, masculine barbarian, capable of humiliating the White with the greatest of ease.
The Jews have an obsession with sex and sex organs, and so they have created a myth surrounding black men’s penises, which is now ubiquitous throughout culture and media. The idea is that blacks have much larger penises than Whites, and thus are much more desirable sexually to White females.
This is a psychological attack on the basic, primal worth of White men – telling them they are incapable of satisfying their females, due to biological incapacity.

Though I have never, and would never, buy into the Jewish belief that the most important thing for a person to think about is sex, that men should judge themselves by their penis size, or that a woman should mate based on penis size, the basic premise made sense to me: blacks are often taller, have higher levels of testosterone, and thus logically they would have bigger penises.
But, as it turns out, the actual reality of racial penis measurements is something much different.
A 2012 study showed that the average Tanzanian male was 4.5 inches or 11.5 cm, a 2006 study showed that the average Nigerian male was 5.1 inches or 13 cm, while a 2012 study showed that the average Caucasian British man’s penis was 5.6 inches or 14.3 cm.
Objectively then, the myth of the huge black penis is just that: a myth. It was created and spread by the Jews for the purpose of further demoralizing the White male, propping up the Negro above him in society, part of the ongoing program to destabilize and ultimately collapse Western Civilization.