The Jewish Plot to Silence the White Race

February 11, 2015

All their plans depend on keeping the White race quiet — until it’s too late.
All their plans depend on keeping the White race quiet — until it’s too late.

I once told my brother that his reality isn’t all that different than what I’ve tried to tell him, only that certain parts of history have been cleverly bypassed, ignored, obfuscated for decades — all to keep guys like us from “getting it.” Even what’s being done to our race right at this very moment always goes carefully unmentioned by the media, even his FOX news (so fair and balanced). I don’t think he understood what I was getting at, or just laughed it off as mad ravings of a blind Jew hater.

Let’s just take care of the one real biggie right now: The Jew conspiracy business that all us evil Jew haters supposedly think. This is where they say we believe Jews are all working secretly among each other in some massive, underground way. I don’t know of anyone who’s reasonably sane who believes that’s possible (but the Jews want you to think we do).

The simplest part of the equation is easy to understand: Jews don’t want White people to go all NAZI on their ass — so much so, practically all of what they do is expressly geared to keeping us White people “PC.” Should we get racist about the blacks, or maybe start figuring out what Israel is making America do for them, we might also get prideful about being White and start marching around in jackboots and matching shirt colors. That vision scares the beJEESUS out of them!

Now you might be telling yourself “well, I don’t want any of those mean Nazis around either” and slapping yourself on the back for being a super nice guy. A caring, Globalist citizen of the planet! But the brainwashers have long co-opted your White sense of decency and fair play to turn a blind eye to all the evil BS they do in the world — NWO foreign meddling, continuous wars (proxy and outright) and the gradual genocide of our race, while they turn our lands into Third Worlder slave pisspots.

This one thing is the basis for pretty much ALL of the bull going down. It’s so big, that it’s hard to fathom the sheer magnitude and reach of what’s been done, not only to the US and the White race, but also plenty of other perfectly innocent peoples and countries around the world (or until such peoples had ample reasons to get some payback in any way they could). Ruminate for awhile and you’ll get it.

Millions of powerful and not so powerful Jews residing all through-out Western countries  — even supposedly “conservative” Jews — have this inner, racially selfish motive to police what us Whites might dare say openly among ourselves.

The whole Jew/anti-Nazi/PC BS both fuels and protects “ZIONISM,” which is the real controlling force over America, especially our foreign policy. These Jews are hugely manipulative rats. Have been in whatever country they’ve ever lived. Oh, I know I shouldn’t be calling them rats, because it sounds offensive, blah, blah, blah. That’s the PC blinders installed in your head since birth talking.

But once you do finally “get it” about the Jewish cancer now destroying America and the White race, you’ll be singing the same tune. The GD Jews are exactly like some sort of giant international “Corleone” gangster family — like in the “Godfather” movies!

This photo was taken during a conference in DC when the NWO usurpers of the Ukraine came here looking for high tech weaponry to kill pro-Russian Ukrainians not going along with the plan. Seen above is Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Ukrainian President Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Every single one of these guys is associated with rich Jewish Oligarchs and are at least partly, if not fully, Jewish — including Kerry, even with his Irish last name. He actually told everyone he didn’t know about his Jewishness until 2004. Right. His brother is a huge Israel-loving Zionist creep.
This photo was taken during a conference in DC when the NWO usurpers of the Ukraine came here looking for high tech weaponry to kill pro-Russian Ukrainians not going along with the plan. Seen above is Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Ukrainian President Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Every single one of these guys is associated with rich Jewish Oligarchs and are at least partly, if not fully, Jewish — including Kerry, even with his Irish last name. He actually told everyone he didn’t know about his Jewishness until 2004. Right. His brother is a huge Israel-loving Zionist creep.

Because of the Holocaust™ they go on and on and on about, Jews are insanely crazed about Israel. Not only that, but also us “goyim” going haywire on their ass in Russia way back when. Doesn’t matter one GD bit if the Jews EVER did anything to get other people so pissed. They don’t care.

Say anything about what Jews have done bad in the world, their faces go blank. Nothing, I repeat nothing, Jews ever do can be a bad thing, at least to them anyway. They are the “Chosen” remember?

Nor do they care about all America has done for them. They’ve completely ignored all the dead White Christian GIs fighting Nazis in WWII. Doesn’t seem to matter one GD whit to these arrogant, self-absorbed bastards.

This all dovetails with the “anti-Racist PC” bit. Usually they want you to think of them as just another White person, but other times love playing the unjustly victimized minority — just like the blacks with the never-ending slavery and Jim Crow bull crap.

This is at the heart of the Israel business. Say JACK about what Israel does, and they’ll immediately call you “anti-Semitic.” Hell, even Jews who criticize Mother Israel makes them go ape — since they don’t want any nearby Goyim to hear about it.

The media is now busy milking the sympathy angle over Kayla Mueller, a life long White do-gooder who stupidly went to Syria to help “victims of evil Assad.” She was soon captured by ISIL and may or may not be dead from execution or bombing raids. But notice how the manipulative media says nothing about the US-NWO involvement in creating ISIL to begin with — callously playing upon people’s emotions about her and her family so we stay on the side of the Zionists.
The media is now busy milking the sympathy angle over Kayla Mueller, a life long White do-gooder who stupidly went to Syria to help “victims of evil Assad.” She was soon captured by ISIL and may or may not be dead from execution or bombing raids. But notice how the manipulative media says nothing about the US-NWO involvement in creating ISIL to begin with — callously playing upon people’s emotions about her and her family so we stay on the side of the Zionists.

I can’t begin to tell you all the evils the devious Zionist Jews have done over in the Mideast. The controlled media has been going on and on about that Jordanian pilot burned to death by ISIL, but let me tell you one simple fact of life: Every race and creed can act brutal and barbaric — even the sacred Jews are murderous bastards — probably the most murderous of all since they think all us “goyim” are nothing but “niggers” here to serve them.

It’s always the terrorist Muslims (enemies of Israeli Mideast hegemony), or us White people who get our crimes put in the media spotlight constantly. God, I sure hope you’ve noticed this going on by now, for crying out loud.

What they refuse to report to the American public is Israel using burning phosphorus or blockbuster munitions on the mostly defenseless Palestinians, or how they treat those people like dogs on a daily basis simply because they are not Jews. And don’t give me any BS about those rocket attacks, either. Those garage-built, over-sized bottle rockets with no explosive warheads and antiquated WWII era Russian surplus rockets (Katyushas) are mostly an inconvenience to the State of Israel, few sacred Israelis have even died (Jews go nuts whenever any of them get croaked by the Goy).

Zionist Jews have been systematically stealing the Palestinian’s lands since 1948, only America remains clueless. In fact, our US tax dollars has been paying for the whole rotten business — right along with rich Jews back here subsidizing (and getting tax write-offs, too!) Jewish immigrants to Israel, who live life easy (between roughing up Palis) in nice modern condos with swimming pools on stolen Pali lands. Hell, all the Jews over there get cradle-to-the grave free health insurance, while we pay through the nose, ObamaCare or not.

The effin’ GD Jews having sucking on America like vampires! This country has pretty much been a big fat dumb cow for the Jews. The bastards laugh all the time among themselves how stupid we are.

While the devious Jews back here work to keep us dumb about what Israel does to the Palestinians, they and their libtard Shabbos goys in the media back here work to keep us in the dark as to the daily brutal murders of White people by the criminal black race.

Another huge, HUGE thing to bear in mind, is that these Jews often have changed names. Let me spell it out for you: YOU CAN’T GO BY NAMES WHEN IT COMES TO JEWS. They are the only race that especially changes their names to sound “less jewish” because the rats are so historically distrusted. Jews have long hidden themselves so they can continue sucking on the labors of good, decent, hard working people.

Also know this: Jews from other White countries have changed names. You can have Jews with Italian-sounding names, Jews with Polish or Russian-sounding names. They’ve stolen the most from Germany, so that’s why you have so many Jews with the name “Miller” or “Sanders” living in the US.

In fact, most of those you see on TV and think are just White people like you and me, are really Jewish (Jews know, they have excellent “Jewdar”). White Gentiles of European Christian descent are pretty much a minority onscreen, especially males, ever since the stinking lying Jews foisted all this “diversity” bull crap down our throats — putting blacks, other races and disgusting homos everywhere.

Haven’t you at least noticed the first to go were White males? They love to pair up our beautiful White blonde babes with blacks onscreen nowadays. Does that not piss you the hell off?

Speaking of Jews sucking on our labor, Jews absolutely hate doing manual work, since they think it’s beneath them because they are so smart. It’s a huge problem in Israel. There can only be so many jobs counting shekels or writing Zionist propaganda and disinfo for the media there and here; so they have to have at least a few Arabs around, or temporary imports from Asian countries like the Philippines to do the dirty work like construction.

Now these stinking Jews are getting close to the finish on their long-running Agenda of turning the White race into a powerless, bickering, spat-upon minority in what was once our lands. Everything depends on keeping things as quiet as possible, so not too many of us Whites wake up before it’s too late.

Why do you think America and other European countries are being flooded with non-White Third Worlders? Jews have been pushing all of this from the very start — the bastards even brag openly about it at times.

It’s clear: The Jews have been in a silent, guerilla war with us Whites of European descent every since we let the bastards in the door. Things have become crystal clear to anyone who dares look past the brainwashing they do in the media 24/7.

Hell, you can see them amping up the evil Hitler documentaries and ever-growing, lefty social engineering and black worship constantly on TV in real time, today.

The Jews are even gearing up to physically suppress our race, once enough of us finally get it. Why do you think the “war on terror” has really been about in the long run? Sure, we got a billion Muslims hating our guts since we’ve supported the invading eastern European Khazar Jews taking over the place and killing Palestinians over all these years, but the true end goal for the West is outright Jewish PC tyranny and a Marxist Police State for America (like they once did to Russia, resulting in up to 66 million White Gentiles dead).

As long as you’re willing to sit there on your fat behind and keep your mouth shut about the things these people are doing and getting away with because of PC, then you’re nothing but a stupid sheep being used and abused. You and your children will pay — big time. Hell, you’ve been paying for it already, just don’t know it.

– Phillip Marlowe

PS: I do this site “INCOG MAN” expressly to awaken fellow White Americans to what the Globalist Jews and their pets, the violent and completely spoiled black race, are doing to this country. I may not have convinced a whole lot, but whatever Whites I have managed to, is more than enough to make it worth my while. I’m certainly NOT doing this to get rich. I’m lucky if I break even (but thanks to those readers who do help me out — you know who you are).