Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2014

Well, it turns out that the Kansas City Jewish Center shooting, which resulted in the death of three and the critical wounding of one, was done by Glenn Miller, who most of the readers probably know of.
His wife confirmed it was him, and he can clearly be identified from the pictures of him in the back of the cop car.
He was the leader of the White Patriot Party during the 80s, and ran for office several times. He was also a former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan.

He went to prison for having received hundreds of thousands of dollars in stolen cash from the Order, but testified against them for a reduced sentence. Though he claimed to have only given information that was already known to the cops, many still called him a “traitor,” and I imagine that is part of what drove him to do this.
He was an active poster on VNN forum.
Here he is screaming “Heil Hitler” from the back of the cop car.
He appears to be drunk.
As it turns out, two of those killed, Dr William Lewis Corporan and his 14-year-old grandson, Reat Griffin Underwood, weren’t even Jewish, but White Christians who happened to be at the center.

The third was an old Jewish woman, shot in front of Shalom Nursing home.
A rabbi said he was asking people “are you a Jew?” before he shot them, but apparently the rabbi just made that up, as otherwise he wouldn’t have shot two White Christians.
Obama came out and commented on the shooting, saying he will do everything to support the investigation at the Federal level.
It is difficult to imagine something worse for our cause than this. Basically, it confirms everything that the SPLC says about White advocates being irrational and violent, and does nothing good at all.
Though to be perfectly clear, it appears that alcohol had a lot more to do with this than Antisemitism, but I doubt that is the way the media is going to frame it.
Again, anyone praising these actions in the comments section will be permanently banned.
To close, here are Dr. William Pierce’s words on a similar incident which occurred in 1999:
Can you imagine our enemies acting in such an immature and undisciplined way? When the Jews want to hurt a country — Iraq, for example — they don’t express their hatred for Iraqis by setting off a truck bomb in front of the Iraqi embassy. They very carefully make a long-range plan to get one of their creatures elected President, and then they use the powers controlled by the President to inflict really serious damage on Iraq. If the Clinton administration became angry at China, say, the government would not send a squad of U.S. Marines to shoot up a Chinese restaurant in Washington. And Janet Reno wouldn’t show her opposition to letting Americans purchase firearms by ordering FBI agents to throw bricks through the windows of gun stores or to spray-paint hateful graffiti on the headquarters of the National Rifle Association.
The reason America’s internal enemies are winning now is because they not only use their heads to make plans, but they also exercise self-discipline. They keep their feelings under control. When Madeleine Albright began her murderous bombing of Serbia this spring, every Jewish organization in America came out with strong statements of support for the bombing. It obviously was something the Jews had been thinking about for a while. But they did not act prematurely and foolishly by doing something like shooting up the Serb community center in Chicago. They understood that such an action would not cripple the Serbs or even weaken them; it would only put them on the alert, make them angry, and generate public sympathy for them.
I’ll recap what I just said. Random acts of violence don’t make sense now. Temper tantrums are not helpful. What we need now is self-discipline, not self-indulgence. It’s good for us to remember now the old, old rule for people who want to get rid of a king. The rule is: kill the king with your first stroke; don’t merely wound the king, because if you do he surely will kill you.