The Kike Connection: Filipino Van Man Keeping Kosher???

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2018

Did you catch that?

You know, this actually qualifies the story as one of those “Florida Man Does X” stories that we love so much.

In fact, if I didn’t know about the MAGAbomber context, I would have assumed that this was a Florida Man.

But the kosher connection is interesting. Nothing too surprising considering how kosher parts of Florida is, filled with Jewish retirement communities.

If I sound a bit flippant, it is probably because I am annoyed by this story.

It is so obvious to me at least that some guy approached this schizoid and befriended him, then convinced him to do this ridiculous bomb plot. And that nice man was almost certainly an FBI agent.

That’s my take on this story. 

Laying my cards out on the table here. Let’s see if I’m right.

I think this is a clueless low-agency patsy who probably had the idea suggested to him. Could have been a nice Jew suggesting it as well.