The Kingfish: Populist Champion of Poor Whites

Jack Ryan
Occidental Dissent
August 5, 2013


I’ve written extensively about the futility of putting all our time and money, hopes and dreams into trying to elect libertarian, economic conservatives like Ron Paul and Rand Paul.

Poor and working class White voters have strongly rejected libertarian-style economic conservatism for over 100 years. They correctly perceive that economic conservatives serve the interests of big corporations like Standard Oil, venture capitalists like Mitt Romney, or worse, bloodsucking Jewish oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson or Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

In these depressing times, it’s heartening to learn that the South once had a very popular champion of poor Southern Whites – Huey Long, the governor of Louisiana during the Great Depression. Long fought the likes of Standard Oil and large Jewish Northeastern banks while looking out for the little man. He understood and respected racial realities in the South and did what was necessary to protect White civilization from black crime and black mob rule.

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