The Latest Victims of Homosexualism: Christian TV Hosts Fired for Condemning Demonic Deviant Behavior

Daily Stormer
May 9, 2014

Decent White men trying to help others will not be tolerated.
David and Jason Benham. Decent White men trying to help others will not be tolerated.

Square-jawed Aryan brothers David and Jason Benham were set to host a new show on HGTV called Flip it Forward. The show was to feature the pair helping families in need turn fixer-upper properties into dream homes.

But the show has now been canceled, after leftist cry-babies alerted HGTV to the fact that the Christian brothers actually take the Bible seriously when it condemns certain sexual behaviors as deviant.

From Deadline Hollywood:

Right Wing Watch reported Tuesday that David Benham had led a prayer rally outside of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC in 2012, in which he told conservative radio host Janet Mefferd that America’s Christian majority must repent for tolerating  “homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation” and “demonic ideologies tak[ing] our universities and our public school systems.” He also said his brother had joined him in the prayer protest. The group also claimed David leads protests outside of abortion clinics.

The Benhams haven't gotten the memo that this is the new normal.
The Benhams haven’t gotten the memo that this is the new normal.

Rather than facing another embarrassing Duck Dynasty situation, HGTV decided to kill the show before it even began.

It seems as if the Jews who run the media have quite the dilemma. The American public enjoys shows that feature decent, kind-hearted individuals, but such individuals tend to hold views opposed to Jewish modernism. The Jew’s love of money is in conflict with his hatred of White Christian values.

Hopefully Americans will begin to connect the dots, and realize that once Jewish modernism has completely triumphed, their kind of people will have no place.

David and family.
David and family.
Jason and family. I'd say that their re-education needs to include greater appreciation of diversity, as well as acceptance of gay sex.
Jason and family. I’d say that their re-education needs to include greater appreciation of diversity, as well as acceptance of gay sex.