The Leader Attacks Bill Clinton for Jew Sex Scandal

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2016

The Donald has not disappointed. He’s come out swinging against the Queen Bitch – straight for the jugular!

The fact that her husband illegally lied about his sex affair with a disgusting fat Jew woman does not bode well for the sick bitch Hillary Clinton, who paints herself as some type of feminist hero.

Not so heroic to be unable to keep your husband from defiling every fat Jew who walks through the door.


Donald Trump on Saturday invoked Bill Clinton’s impeachment in an escalation of his attacks on Hillary Clinton over the family’s treatment of women.

“She’s married to a man who got impeached for lying,” Trump said of Clinton. “He was impeached and he had to go through a whole big process and it wasn’t easy. He was impeached for lying about what happened with a woman.

Trump should try to get Monica on some commercials, like “I was just an innocent young Jewess. The President Holocausted me with his pecker.”


Straight flip the script on these Jews.

I’m sure she’d do it, just for the attention. She doesn’t have anything else going on

Trump’s remarks in a speech in Spokane, Washington, continued the criticism he launched Friday aimed at Hillary Clinton over her husband’s infidelities — particularly the Monica Lewinsky affair while Bill Clinton was in the White House. The Lewinsky scandal resulted in Bill Clinton being impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, though he was ultimately acquitted in the Senate.

The presumptive Republican nominee has increasingly pointed to those infidelities as he confronts his own high negative ratings among women. The most recent CNN/ORC poll found that 64% of American women view Trump unfavorably.

In other news, 64% of American women are feminist slutbags who hate all White men and want us replaced with Moslems or Blacks or whoever.

Real women love TRUMP.


“Hillary was an enabler and she treated these women horribly. Just remember this,” Trump said Saturday. “And some of those women were destroyed, not by (Bill Clinton), but by the way Hillary Clinton treated them after it went down.”

“Just remember that when you’re watching these phony, paid-for-by Wall Street ads, put out by Hillary Clinton on Donald Trump. And just remember, I said it: There is nobody that has more respect for women than me,” Trump said.


He cited high-ranking women in his own company, including his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and said he sometimes pays women more than men who work in similar positions.

“I have women — frankly, I shouldn’t say this because the men are going to get angry, but — I have women that make more money than men doing comparable jobs,” Trump said. “Men, am I OK saying that?”

Not totally…

But yeah, anything to win, screw it.

Go for it.

“The women get it better than we do, folks,” Trump told the crowd.

Trump’s attacks on Clinton over her husband’s infidelities was a staple of his stump speech early this year, but he had dropped the criticism, instead taking to branding Clinton as “Crooked Hillary” in speeches in recent weeks.

He returned to the attack against Clinton as a “nasty, mean enabler” in a speech Friday night, and doubled down Saturday.

Clinton’s strategy to rebut Trump’s attacks has been to portray him as attacking women overall and focus on policy.

“The other day, Mr. Trump accused me, of playing the, quote, ‘woman card.’ Well, if fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in,” Clinton told supporters in Philadelphia after winning a slate of East Coast primaries in late April.

Clinton’s campaign has even created an actual “woman card” for supporters — a credit-card-sized souvenir that is given in exchange for donations.


Maybe should have hired better media and PR strategists, you crazy bitch!


When will Hillary get a bit more involved, I wonder?

She needs to come out and defend her honor.

We are all very ready for this party to get started.

We’ve waited a long, long time.

come out to play

Hiiiiilary, come out to plaaaay.