The Man Who Lead the Effort to Declassify Homosexuality as a Mental Illness

Destroy Zionism!
August 16, 2013



Alfred Mordecai Freedman (January 7, 1917 – April 17, 2011) was an American psychiatrist. A long-time educator and advocate of social justice [sic], Freedman is known for leading the effort to have the American Psychiatric Association de-classify homosexuality as a mental illness.

Well, if “Mordecai Freedman” isn’t evidence enough that he was Jewish, then read this:

[Alfred Friedman:] My father was born in Poland in a small town, Wisocki Modiuvetz. He studied to be a Rabbi in a city, Lomza. … And then Hitler came into power. It was very troublesome. He was a threat to the world, but particularly to us Jews. … And I remember my father telling me that for thousands of years the men in our family had been Rabbis or teachers …  I was very taken up with the Spanish Civil War, and was desperately eager for the Loyalists to hold out against Franco. … It was the time when the Spanish Civil War was winding up. It was also the time of the Munich Agreement and the onslaught on Czechoslovakia. I remember being very involved in those issues and going around the city in a car with a loudspeaker shouting, “Protect Czechoslovakia against the Nazis.” And the group that I was involved in organized a big rally on the steps of the University auditorium. …  Another major achievement during my presidency was on the status of homosexuality. In December 1973 the Board of Trustees, passed a resolution to delete homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Association (DSM II) and declare that homosexuality was not a disease.