The Marxist Who is Fighting for UK Benefit Payments to the Invaders

January 9, 2014

Laszlo Andor
Laszlo Andor thinks it is something to be proud of that the British Olympic facilities would not have been finished on time if it hadn’t been for imported foreigners working for lower wages.

Laszlo Andor, one of Europe’s most powerful technocrats, is a committed socialist determined to drag the UK through the courts over welfare laws.

Mr Andor, 47, holds one of the most powerful positions in the European Union as Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, a job that provides a £212,000 salary and generous benefits.

His role gives him political, legal and bureaucratic muscle — and Mr Andor, probably the most Left-wing of the EU’s 28 commissioners, is not averse to using it.

Now he is taking on the British Government over attempts to curb welfare payments to EU migrants. His report into benefits tourism, which we disclose today, effectively concluding that the practice was a myth, can be seen as part of the battle.

But it is his decision to take action at the European Court against the UK which opens him up to accusations of “throwing a hand grenade” into an already incendiary debate about Britain’s continued membership of the EU.

Mr Andor’s spokesman last week insisted that the Commissioner was – despite his actions – “a great Anglophile” and not a former communist, despite him once launching a defence of life in the Soviet Bloc.

The Commissioner has lived in both Manchester and London, and is even partial to a particular Kent-brewed ale, his spokesman added.

Mr Andor was born in Hungary and went to school in Zalaegerszeg, 140 miles west of Budapest.

He studied economics at the then Karl Marx University in Budapest, before gaining a British Council fellowship to study for an MA in development economics at Manchester University in 1993.

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