The Merkel Stratagem has Given Way to #ProjectGermany

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2015

project germany

The Merkel Stratagem, devised by its namesake, Angela “The Hammer” Merkel (PBUH), was a stratagem of inviting millions of non-Whites from around the world to come and live on welfare as a means to boost the Germany economy.

Now, the stratagem is coming to fruition (or however you would prefer to phrase that particular sentence).

Germany has transformed itself into #ProjectGermany.

#ProjectGermany is not a state, so much as it is an idea: the idea that you now have to figure out what to do with the nearly one million third world people you invited into your country to live on welfare, with thousands more pouring in every day.

Here’s a quick FAQ to help you better understand the nature and goals of #ProjectGermany.

What is #ProjectGermany?

#ProjectGermany is not a state, so much as it is an idea: the idea that you now have to figure out what to do with the nearly one million third world people you invited into your country to live on welfare, with thousands more pouring in every day.

What is the Nature of #ProjectGermany?

#ProjectGermany was the brainchild of St. Mama Merkel (PBUH). She first came up with the concept in response to her plan to invite millions of people from across the Middle East, Asia and Africa to live on welfare in order to boost the German economy.


Following the initial stratagem of inviting in these millions, people from all across the world began crossing seas and borders, climbing over fences, fighting with riot police, literally tucking and rolling to enter Germany. Thousands a day began pouring in, but there was one problem: there was no place to put them and not enough money to give them free everything.


#ProjectGermany is not a state, so much as it is an idea: the idea that you now have to figure out what to do with the nearly one million third world people you invited into your country to live on welfare, with thousands more pouring in every day.


The nature of #ProjectGermany is human nature, and learning how to extract money from your own people as you force integrate them with a hostile foreign population. It is about threatening to take people’s children from them if they criticize immigration on the internet. It is about peace. It is about making the world a better place. It is about finding your true self and realizing your potential.


#ProjectGermany is about bringing out the best in people, bringing us together, rather than breaking us apart. It’s about breaking down walls, busting in doors and forcing people to do things against their will.


What are the Goals of #ProjectGermany?

The core goal of #ProjectGermany is to house and pay for the lives of millions of hostile foreigners who were invited into your country to live on welfare.


This core goal of #ProjectGermany can be achieved in two ways:

1.) Extracting money from the German people and using it to pay for the welfare of the millions

2.) Forcing other countries to take some of these people into their countries and pay for their welfare.

We need to get these people the things they need. They need faster internet. They need cigarettes. They need service. They need hookers.


#ProjectGermany is about getting these people everything they demand as quickly as possible, extracting the costs of these demands from the European people by any means necessary.


#ProjectGermany is not a state, so much as it is an idea: the idea that you now have to figure out what to do with the nearly one million third world people you invited into your country to live on welfare, with thousands more pouring in every day.


The secondary goal of #ProjectGermany is silencing any criticism of #ProjectGermany. This can be achieved through various threats against the German population, as well as rounding people up. New laws will be passed to create a more threatening environment, where people feel fear even when speaking privately in their own homes.


The third and perhaps most important goal of #ProjectGermany is to both mitigate and intensify the negative effects that #ProjectGermany is having on German society. For instance, how to we encourage these people accept gay sex while also encouraging them to hold onto their own cultural value system?


In order for #ProjectGermany to succeed, the people of Germany have to be willing to drastically change their lifestyles in order to accommodate these millions and ensure they feel comfortable. This goes beyond the financial into every realm of life: from how you think, to what you eat, to how you move, everything about your behavior must change.


#ProjectGermany is about making the world a better place.