Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2015

This is a Mizzou timeline of events from halfpol:
- Isolated single black student claimed he got called a nigger somewhere or something
- Unrelated incident off campus where a group of black students say a white guy called them niggers and somehow escaped unharmed
- Completely unrelated poop swastika drawn in a dorm
- No suspects of any kind or any hint they are related
- This is objective proof the school is systematically racist
- Calls for president to step down
- Demands literally want him to check his privilege and admit he is racism overlord Giga Hitler 2.0
- Some random dude goes on hunger strike
- Entire football team ruin their own careers by saying they will not play football until president resigns, giving them all a 100% guarantee they will never be signed into the NFL ever no matter how good they are
- Massive protest on public grounds at the school where a tent city is erected
- Group wants the media out in contrast to the constitution and even a state law passed a year or two ago mandating access to the quad to the public
- Asian/POC student reporter Tim Tai is physically assaulted by Assistant Director of Student Life, Greek Life’s Department Janna Basler
- Basler oversees students harass, intimidate and physically assault Tim Tai
- Basler involved in the technical legal kidnapping of Tim Tai as a group of students surround Tai, restrict his movement and then forcefully remove him from the public grounds
- Basler says “I can’t help it, I’m being pushed” even though video footage showed clear gaps in the crowd that would have allowed her to not assault the student
- Cis Scum Mark Schierbecker, another Student Report, is seen asking Melissa Click, a Professor of Mass Media to comment
- Melissa Click then physically assaults the student report
- Melissa Click then calls for violence against the student to intimidate him, asking for “muscle” to “get this guy out of here”
- President resigns
- Melissa Click offers an apology claiming she will provide context – provides no context
- Literally just says she offers her apologies. Does not admit to any fault or issue, does not admit she violated some of the fundamental rights of the nations and the physical safety of students at the university
- Melissa Click is now claiming she is the victim and is receiving death and rape threats, cancels classes
- Some asshole that is likely from /pol/ posts on Yik Yak he will shoot up the school
- Black students email professors saying they don’t feel safe and they assume this means their exams will automatically be canceled
- Professor replies saying exams will still be held on the day of and they are free to attend them or not show up
- Black students BTFO and say professor is a racist cracker
- Further protests are being planned and more blackness to be expected
None of this makes any sense, at all. On any level.
But the entire media is saying “yeah, well, they’ve got some great points… good thing the racist New Hitler rulers of the school stepped down… finally, progress.”

Here’s the supposed serious threat they’re all freaking out about at present.

Here’s how the masses are responding:

Blacks are now making up stories about angry Whites circling them in pick-up trucks:

I’m having a hard time even dealing with this:
There is a secret force of racist Whites, no one knows who they are or where they come from, but they occasionally show up and start calling Black people mean names, appear in unmarked pick-up trucks and circle around groups of Blacks and leave their mark on doors with poop swastikas. These people are somehow connected to the government, the cops and the management of universities. Their goal is to hurt Black people’s feelings, and cause them to fail because they hate them because of the color of their skin.
That is the narrative, and that is what we are supposed to accept as truth. The media is not questioning it, save for some of the “right wing” media, which isn’t really questioning it very deeply – calling it “Maoism” or some other gibberish that in no way really analyzes what’s going down – and certainly isn’t saying “these monkeys are out of control, someone has to stop them before they completely tear apart the basic foundations of our civilization.”
This is because the media is controlled by Jews, and they are rubbing their hands at all of this, pushing it as far as they can. And this coup in Missouri just upped the game significantly. There was not even a fake shooting narrative here. Just (presumably faked) name-calling, and an (also presumably faked) poop swastika.
Negroes are too stupid to have planned #MissouriCoup without White women helping them. What do these women gain?
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) November 10, 2015
The fact Blacks have now set a standard where they can just say “aggghhhh, someone somewhere called me a name, you must do everything I ask of you immediately” and Whites will just say “yeah, okay, sure,” means that now everything is in jeopardy. They are literally holding civilization hostage.
Soon enough, the Jews on campus doing all of this will be exposed. Melissa Click may well be one herself.

Or she could just be a woman. Many White women involved in this. Besides the fact that most White women hate White men because of their weak and pathetic baby-boomer fathers, the Jewish media and education, etc., they love the Blacks because how pathetic they are triggers a nurturing instinct in them.

Where is This Going?
Blacks are going to keep pushing this at Mizzou, but what’s more, this could spread to other universities. That is actually most likely.
Yale is already having issues. Especially with… Halloween costume emails.
We are right in the middle of a Planet of the Apes takeover.
As long as we keep agreeing to give these people everything they ask for, they are going to keep asking for more. There is no finality here.
"Descending into cannibalism" is a normal occurrence in Africa. It will come to Missouri too. #MissouriCoup
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) November 10, 2015
I would say that if MLK’s revolution is a 1, and full-on African cannibalism is a 10, the Mizzou Coup was a 7.