Stuff Black People Don’t Like
September 15, 2015
“Well, look on the bright side. We’ll all have high schools named after us.” — Astronaut who helps save the world in Deep Impact, though in saving the world the crew of the spaceship Messiah were required to sacrifice themselves
Every now and then, I remember the story of Indianapolis Metro Police Department Officer Perry Renn, knowing this act moment could have birthed the whole “Black Lives Matter” had the black suspect he got out of his car to confront been killed in the their shootout (instead of the other way around).

The whole “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement was inevitable, only needing the right mixture of toxic black solidarity with a steady dose of mainstream media hysteria to ignite the unholy bonfire of the egalitarians.
Though the BLM would initially garner sympathy and allies entrenched in the media and academia, over time it would only work undermine every advancement of the egalitarians in their scorched earth policy of throwing out nature with a pitchfork. For as Horace reminds us from centuries ago, nature will always return.
And Those Who Can See will remember, tragically joining the ranks of men who only wanted to perform their duty such as Officer Renn, Kentucky State Police Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder. [Kentucky Cop Killer Attended Michael Brown’s Funeral, Took Pictures Of Al Sharpton [PHOTOS], Daily Caller, 9-14-15]:
A Missouri man who shot and killed a Kentucky state trooper during a traffic stop Sunday was an apparent Black Lives Matter sympathizer who protested in the days after the shooting death of Michael Brown last year and attended the 18-year-old’s funeral, social media posts show.
Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks, 25, shot Kentucky State Police Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder after a high-speed chase on Interstate 24 at around 10:30 p.m. local time Sunday.
Johnson-Shanks fired into Ponder’s cruiser at the end of the 10-mile chase, striking and killing the rookie trooper.
Johnson-Shanks fled the scene but was found in a rural area Monday morning. He was shot and killed after failing to comply with officers’ commands to drop his weapon, law enforcement officials said.
Johnson-Shanks is from Florissant, Mo., a St. Louis suburb near Ferguson, where Brown was fatally shot by police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9, 2014.
A Facebook account that appears to belong to Johnson-Shanks shows that he took part in the protests that followed the shooting. Pictures show him adopting the “hands up, don’t shoot” pose which became the rallying cry following the shooting.
Johnson-Shanks also attended Brown’s burial and a memorial service at which Al Sharpton spoke.
The Facebook account is listed under the name “Jay MileHigh.” The birthday listed on the account matches Johnson-Shanks’.
Joseph Cameron Ponder was the type of white man you might see at a bar enjoying a drink with friends, or pushing a shopping cart at a Wal-Mart while holding his young daughters hand. Today, his family will go to sleep knowing the world of tomorrow won’t include him.
But it is men like Ponder who wake up every day to do their duty and spend most of their conscious moments getting continually crapped upon and thrown under the bus by the allies/champions of the BLM who will turn first.
Indeed, they already have in Baltimore.
And by turning away from performing their duty and allowing nature to run its course, the streams of law and order will once again flow where the combined efforts of BLM supporters, academia, the media, and politicians have been desperately trying to dam them up.
For now, BLM leaders get to guest lecture at Yale; one day, our children will learn the story of Officer Perry Renn as a reminder of the climate existing in the final stages of the egalitarian experiment existing only until nature finally returned to toss those who deny reality out once and for all.