Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 8, 2015

ZOG is facing serious backlash over the killing of a woman in San Francisco by an illegal wetback.
What is frustrating is that the Jewish media is framing it terms of Democrats vs. Republicans, when in actual reality, the Republican establishment is just as pro-invasion as the Democratic Party.
But The Donald is making this fact clear to all, as his GOP haters are lining up to defend Mexican murders and rapists.
The Democratic campaign to relax national, state and local deportation policies is fueling outrage ignited by the shocking slaying of a woman in San Francisco by an oft-deported illegal immigrant with seven felony convictions.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte slammed the Obama administration for turning federal requests to detain illegal immigrants into “something voluntary” and “releasing criminals back onto the streets.”
“This administration is not enforcing our immigration laws,” the Virginia Republican said. “And, quite frankly, I don’t think they care.”
Meanwhile, the White House moved to shift the blame to Republicans by faulting them for opposing Democrat-sponsored comprehensive immigration reform legislation, which GOP lawmakers have dismissed as an amnesty program.
Yes, because if full-amnesty had been pushed through, this wouldn’t have been an illegal immigrant who killed the woman, but just another American – who, by the way, would have been reported as “White” on the census and by the police.
So the woman would still be just as dead, but it would have been a White American responsible. Which would change everything.
“The president has done everything within his power to make sure that we’re focusing our law enforcement resources on criminals and those who pose a threat to public safety,” Mr. Earnest said. “It’s because of the political efforts of Republicans that we have not been able to make the kind of investment that we would like to make in securing our border and keeping our communities safe.”
That statement drew hoots from critics who pointed to the Obama administration’s decision in November to drop the 2008 Secure Communities program, installed by the Bush administration to enhance cooperation with state and local law enforcement on removing illegal aliens.
Social media was abuzz with criticism over the shooting. Said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, on Twitter: “Another American killed by sanctuary city policies shielding illegal aliens from deportation.”
The Donald is seriously rearranging this narrative. If it were not for he, this murder would have been simply another of the endless stream of murders and rapes by invading Mexican bean-farmers. Instead, it is a point of national focus, and the next murders and rapes will be as well as long as The Donald is up in here.